Climate Change Adaptation Project (CCAP)
Grant No.: TF019383
Civil Works for Eco-Tourism Facilities in Gn. Fuvahmulah - Retender
IFB No.: 008/TF019383
1. The Government of the Republic of Maldives has received grant funds from multi-donor Climate Change Trust Fund, administered by the World Bank, towards the cost of Climate Change Adaptation Project (CCAP) and intends to apply part of the proceeds of this grant to payments under the contract for Civil Works for Eco-Tourism Facilities in Gn. Fuvahmulah - Retender.
2. The Ministry of Finance and Treasury, on behalf of Ministry of Environment and Energy (the Employer), did not receive sufficient response for the subjected project (Ref No. (IUL) 13-K/13/2017/48) and has decided to re-invite bids from eligible and qualified bidders to undertake the works.
3. Bidding will be conducted through the National Competitive Bidding (NCB) procedures specified in the World Bank’s Guidelines: Procurement under IBRD Loans and IDA Credits and Grants by World Bank Borrowers dated January 2011, Revised July 2014, and is open to all bidders from Eligible Source Countries as defined in the Guidelines.
4. Qualifications requirements are stated in the Bidding Document.
5. The Bidder shall be registered to submit a bid upon payment of a non-refundable Registration fee of MVR 500.00 (Maldivian Rufiyaa Five Hundred) from 19th April 2017 to 17th May 2017 between 0830 hours and 1300 hours on all working days. A complete set of bidding documents in electronic format shall be available for download from the Ministry of Finance and Treasury website
4. Any clarifications to the project may be sent to the address in clause 11 of this Invitation for Bids on or before 1400 Hours Maldivian Time on Thursday, 04th May 2017.
7. A pre-bid meeting will be held on 02nd May 2017 at 1300 hours Maldivian time at the Ministry of Finance and Treasury.
8. The Bidder shall furnish a bid security of MVR 40,000.00 (Maldivian Rufiyaa Forty Thousand) which shall be valid for 119 days from the date of bid opening. The amount of performance security shall be 5% of contract price. An advance payment of 15% of contract price will be provided upon submission of an advance payment guarantee.
9. Bids shall be valid for a period of 91 days from the date of bid opening and shall be delivered to the address specified above in Clause 10 of this Invitation for Bids, on or before 1300 hours Maldivian time on 18th May 2017, at which time they will be opened in the presence of the Bidders who wish to attend the bid opening. Late bids will be rejected.
10. This Invitation for Bid is also published in the Ministry of Finance and Treasury website
11. Bidders may obtain further information from the following address:
National Tender and Project Monitoring,
Ministry of Finance and Treasury,
Ameenee Magu, Malé, Maldives,
Tel: (960) 3349102, (960) 3349106
Fax: (960) 3320706, (960) 3324432
E-Mail: [email protected]
Copy to: [email protected]