Thilafushi Corporation Limited
Thilafushi Marine Infrastructure Project (2015) – Fencing


Thilafushi Marine Infrastructure Project (2015) – Fencing

Under the Thilafushi Marine Infrastructure Project (MIIP Project) TCL is seeking to hire a contractor to undertake the following works:

  • Erecting an 80 Mtrs in length fence adjacent to a marine ramp at the inner shoreline opposite of the T-Jetty area.

TCL invites potential and competent parties to submit bids for undertaking this work as per the design provided by the Corporation. The previous announcement no: TCL/PROC-TA/2015/031 for this tender has been cancelled due to lack of response.






09:00 to 15:00

8th December 2015 to 10th November 2015

03 working days

TCL head office

Payment for Bid Documents

From 10:00

13 December 2015


TCL head office

Releasing Bid Documents


17th December 2015


TCL head office

Pre-bid Meeting & visiting site


24rd December 2015


TCL head office

Bid Opening






  • Price of bid document is MVR 200 (Maldivian Rufiyaa Two Hundred).
  • A minimum bank guarantee of MVR. 25,000.00 (Maldivian Rufiyaa Twenty Five Thousand)) must be submitted along with the bid.
  • An advance payment of up to 15% can be released to the winning contractor upon request on submission of a bank guarantee.

Important tips for interested parties who wish to submit their Proposals:

  • Only one proposal can be submitted by each party.
  • Proposal should be valid for at least 90 days.
  • Thilafushi Corporation reserves the right to eliminate proposals with incomplete information.
  • Proposal should be submitted with all required information.

Only those who have taken the bid documents for this bid can participate in the bid opening. All bid proposals should be submitted in sealed envelopes. Bid opening will be held at Thilafushi Corporation with all those who want to participate in the bid opening.

Proposal evaluation criteria will be included in the bid documents of this project and for further queries please contact the procurement department.

25 Safar 1437

07 December 2015