Maldives Monetary Authority

Technical Consultant - Designing and Construction of MMA New Office Building

1.The Maldives Monetary Authority (MMA) is in the process of constructing a new office building in Hulhumale’ phase 1. MMA is seeking the services of an experienced consultant with the relevant expertise and knowledge, to provide consultancy services in the designing and construction phase of the MMA New Office Building.

2. Interested parties shall register for bidding by emailing Expression of Interest (EOI) to [email protected] by 1100 hours (Maldives Time) of 10th April 2025. The EOI should provide the following information of the bidder

• Name of the Company

• Name of the contact person

• Designation

• Contact number

• Email address

• Company website

3. Registered Bidders requiring any clarification of the Bidding Documents shall email their queries to [email protected] before the deadline, 17th April 2025 1100hrs (Maldives Time)

4. All Bid Proposals must be submitted no later than 11:00 am, 30th April 2025 to below address:

Maldives Monetary Authority

Boduthakurufaanu Magu Male’ 20182,

Republic of Maldives

19 March 2025