Request for Expression of Interest
Disaster for Risk Management Specialist (Individual) for the Greater Male Environmental Improvement and Waste Management Project - Phase 1
The Governmen of the Republic of Maldives has received financing from Asian Development Bank (ADB) towards the cost of Greater Male' Environmental Improvement and waste Mangement Project: Phase 1, Apply artof this fiannciang to provide th eservice of Dister Risk Manamgnet (DRM) Specialist (Inidividual).
The main objective of this assignment is to support the PMU to incorporate and implement Disaster Risk Reduction of Climat Change adaptation measure in the projet. This is particulatrly imperative in order to achieve project outcomes and to ensure their sustainablitlity.
The Ministry of Tourism and Environment now invites eligible individuals to indicate their interest in providing the serices. Interested individuals must provide specific information which demonstat that they are fully qualified to perform the services.
The Consultant shall be selected based on the qualification and experience, in accordance with the procedures set out in ADB guidelines.
A more detailsed Terms of Reference (TOR) for the consultancy services in attached to this announcement. Interested indivudals may obtain further information by writin to the address below.
Interested inidivuals shall submit their EOI online at ADB Consultant Management System (CMS) - Consulting Services Recruitment Notices (CSRN) website ( in aoccodanc ith the instruction socontained therein or be delivered to the addrss below by email no later thatn 25th February 2025
Ms. Aminath Maleela Solih
Procurement Specialist
Mnistry of Tourism and Environment
Saafu Rajje Building, 4th Floor
Republic of Maldives
Email: [email protected]