Ministry of Tourism and Environment
Site Supervisor

Request for Expressions of Interest

Site Supervisor

The Government of the Republic of Maldives has received grant funds under the multi-donor Strategic Climate Fund, administered by the World Bank, towards the cost of Accelerating Sustainable Private Investment in Renewable Energy (ASPIRE) Project and intends to apply part of the proceeds of this grant to eligible payments under the contract for the services of a Site Supervisor for the Project Management Unit (PMU), established within the Ministry of Tourism and Environment (MoTE).

The objective of this assignment is to ensure day to day progress of site tasks and activities being undertaken at construction sites under ASPIRE/ARISE project with the responsibility to maintain construction standards, quality of work and workmanship.

Work site: Gdh.Thinadhoo construction sites.

Key qualifications of the individuals who apply for the position are:

  • Minimum of 2 years of experience in general construction sites
  • Experience in supervising construction projects; and
  • Satisfactory communication skills in Dhivehi and English.

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for an interview.

The expressions of interest must be submitted to the address below in hardcopy or by email not later than 13:00 hrs on February 19, 2025. The “Terms of Reference (ToR)” related to this assignment will be available with this advertisement. Interested individual may obtain further information on request by writing to the address below.

Project Manager

Project Management Unit

Ministry of Tourism and Environment

5th Floor, Velaanaage Block 20096,

Ameeru Ahmed Magu, Male’,

Republic of Maldives

Tel: 3019219

Email: [email protected]

[email protected]

12 February 2025