Hulhumalè Hospital
Speech Therapist


Hulhumale' Hospital

Hulhumale’, Maldives

Number: HMH/IUL/2025/008




There is a job vacancy for the following post on contract basis. (For Foreigners Only)


DesignationSpeech Therapist

Required Number: 1

Classification: MS 3 

Place of Work: Child Development Centre, Hulhumale Hospital



  •  Basic Salary: MVR 7,035.00
  •  Service Allowance: MVR 2,500.00
  •  Risk Allowance: MVR 100.00 per day attended

Other benefits

  • HMH will accommodation allowance of MVR 7,000.00


Eligibility Criteria:


Bachelor’s Degree in relevant field with minimum 2 years’ experience in relevant field

Must have a Professional Registration at other council or other equivalent bodies


Documents to be submitted:


  • Qualification Certificate (Bachelor’s Degree in Speech Therapy)
  • Transcript and Mark sheet (Bachelor’s Degree in Speech Therapy)
  • Professional Registration
  • Experience Letters (Recent one should not be more than 3 months old)
  • Certificate of Good Standing (Three months’ gap should not be there from issued date to till date)
  • Curriculum Vitae (CV)
  • Passport Copy (Minimum 12 months’ Validity)
  • Scanned color passport size photo

[If you do not have valid Good Standing Certificate, please attach the request submission slip for these documents]


Interview Details


The interview for the shortlisted candidates shall be held through Skype.


Criteria for shortlisting the qualified candidates:


Educational Qualifications


Work Experience


Shortlisted criteria:


Candidates shall be shortlisted based on their above-mentioned qualifications.


Selecting the most eligible applicant for the position:


The one who get the highest marks in the interview process and the Criteria for shortlisting will be the most eligible applicant for the position.


Application Deadline:


Required documents to be submitted before (27th January 2025, 14:00 hrs) to the Human Resource Department of HMH (Koveli building, 4th Floor). If you are submitting the application online, our mail address is [email protected], and we will not accept applications sent to any other mail address. We shall be accepting applications made through recruitment agencies.


Note: We will only accept the application with all the required documents mentioned above. Documents must be clearly color scanned, in one file (PDF format).




(19th January 2025)


19 January 2025