Ministry of Finance and Planning
Installation of 15 MWp Grid-tied Solar Photovoltaic System at L. Hithadhoo, L. Kunahandhoo, L. Maabaidhoo, L. Maamendhoo, L. Maavah, L. Isdhoo, L. Kalaidhoo, L. Fonadhoo, L. Gan, L. Dhanbidhoo, Lh. Naifaru, Ga. Villingili and Sh. Funadhoo under Design, Build, Finance, Own, Operate and Transfer (DBFOOT) Basis



(Project Number: TES/2024/G-004) 


Installation of 15 MWp Grid-tied Solar Photovoltaic System at L. Hithadhoo, L. Kunahandhoo, L. Maabaidhoo, L. Maamendhoo, L. Maavah, L. Isdhoo, L. Kalaidhoo, L. Fonadhoo,
L. Gan, L. Dhanbidhoo, Lh. Naifaru, Ga. Villingili and Sh. Funadhoo under Design, Build, Finance, Own, Operate and Transfer (DBFOOT) Basis


1. The Government of the Republic of Maldives has received financing from the World Bank toward the cost of the Accelerating Renewable-Energy Integration & Sustainable Energy (ARISE) Project, and intends to apply part of the proceeds toward payments under the contract forInstallation of 15 MWp grid-tied solar photovoltaic systems at L. Hithadhoo, L.Kunahandhoo, L. Maabaidhoo, L. Maamendhoo, L. Maavah, L. Isdhoo, L. Kalaidhoo, L.Fonadhoo, L. Gan, L.Dhanbidhoo, Lh. Naifaru, Ga. Villingili and Sh. Funadhoo Under Design, Build, Finance, Own, Operate and Transfer (DBFOOT) Basis.

2. The Ministry of Finance, on behalf of Ministry of Climate Change, Environment and Energy (the Employer) wished to extend the Invitation for Bids, ref. number(IUL)13-K/13/2024/197 (22nd July 2024)   for the:

Lot 1: 2 MWp ground mounted solar PV in L. Hithadhoo, L. Kunhandhoo,
L. Maibaidhoo, L. Maamendhoo, L. Maavah, and L. Dhanbidhoo

Lot 2: 13 MWp ground mounted solar PV in L. Isdhoo, L. Kalaidhoo, L. Fonadhoo, L. Gan, Lh. Naifaru, GA. Villingili, and Sh. Funadhoo

3. Bidding will be conducted through international competitive procurement using a Request for Proposals (RFP) as specified in the World Bank’s “Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers” Single Stage: Two-Envelope bidding procedure and is open to Bidders from eligible Bidders as described in the Procurement Regulations.

4. Interested bidders shall register with Ministry of Finance for the project from 22nd July 2024 to 25th November 2024 between 8:30 hours and 14:00 hours on all working days by:

(a) payment of a non-refundable Registration fee of MVR 1,500.00 (Maldivian Rufiyaa Five Hundred) or USD 100.00 (United State Dollar One Hundred) through our online payment portal-Ban'deyri Pay ( or by electronic transfer to a designated bank account, information of which can be requested through email to below given email addresses, and;

(b) e-mailing the following information to the below given e-mail addresses:

  • • Name and Address of the Bidder
  • • Name, e-mail ID and telephone numbers of the Contact Person(s)
  • • Copy of the Payment/Transaction Receipt.

5. A complete set of Bidding document and related documentation is available from 22nd July 2024 on the Ministry of Finance website for downloading. The Employer shall not be held liable for any information not received by the Bidder, and it is the Bidder’s responsibility to verify the website for the latest information related to this request.

6. All Bids must be accompanied by Bid Security. The value of bid security for separate lots are as follows.

Lot 1: USD 20,000.00

Lot 2: USD 160,000.00

7. Bids must be delivered to the address below, on or before 13:00:00 hrs (Local Time) of Thursday, 28th November 2024. Electronic Bidding will not be permitted. Late Bids will be rejected. Bids will be publicly opened in the presence of the Bidders’ designated representatives Bids must be Sealed. Bids should be properly labeled with the Project Name, Bid opening date & time and name of the bidder.

8. Bidders may obtain further information from the following address:

Ms. Fathimath Rishfa Ahmed

Chief Procurment Exective

National Tender,

Ministry of Finance,

Ameenee Magu, Male’, Maldives

 Tel: (960) 3349104, (960) 3349147, (960) 3349106


Copy to:

29 October 2024