Maldives Industrial Fisheries Company Limited
Senior Officer / ICT Department




 Senior Officer

Positions Name


No.of Positions

 1 Year Contract

Contract Period

 ICT Department / Head Office / Male’


 MVR 12352.50

Salary Package

-          Diagnose and troubleshoot technical issues, including account setup and Network configuration.

-          Perform daily system monitoring, verifying the integrity and availability of all hardware, server resources, systems and key process, reviewing system and application logs, and verifying completion of scheduled jobs such as backups.

-          Apply OS patches and upgrade on a regular basis, and upgrade administrative tools utilities configure / add new services as necessary.

-          Perform ongoing performance tuning, hardware upgrades and resource optimization as required. Configure CPU, memory and disk partition as required.

-          Ensure system such as CCTV, Access control, attendance systems and Wi-fi devices are working properly and up to the standards specified in the ICT policies.

-          Maintain server environmental and monitoring equipment.


Key Responsibilities

-          Completed GCE O’ Level & Pass 5 subjects and above

-          Ability to work longer hours.


Minimum Qualification

 06th August 2023 by 14:00pm  


 Interested candidates must submit the following documents to    [email protected]   Any application after the deadline would not be accepted.                   

- Valid National ID copy                                                                        

- CV with employment history                                                              

- Education qualification and Training certificates                               

- Reference letters certifying the experience                                         

- The Job application form for the interested position (form attached with the Iulaan)

-Police report                                                       

  You can contact us on 3323932- Ext:300

Expression of Interest





Note: Shortlisted candidates will be subjected to an interview in which their capability to perform the job must be demonstrated.

30 July 2023