Maldives Ports Limited

A. Introduction

The Maldives Ports Limited is inviting expressions of interest (EOI) for the construction of a deep-sea port on Kaafu Atoll Thilafushi Island. The project aims to establish a modern, efficient, and sustainable port that can accommodate large bulk cargo vessels and container-cargo carrying vessels. Upon completion of its construction, the newly constructed port will temporarily serve all cargo operations currently carried out at Malé Commercial Harbour, excluding general/conventional cargo.


B. Scope of Work

The scope of work for the project will include, but not limited to:

a) Construction and commissioning of the port infrastructure including dredging and reclamation, breakwaters, quay walls, apron, roadways, container yard, entry/exit gates, and terminal buildings.

b) Features of Primary Port Components:

       i. International Quay Wall: Length 600m / Draught: —15.0m.

       ii. Local Quay-wall: Length 600m / Draught: —5.0m.

       iii. Terminal/Yard Paving and Construction: 7 hectares.

       iv. Warehouse Area: 1.4 hectares.

       v. Construction of roadways, entry/exit gates with security posts.

       vi. Installation and commissioning of cargo-handling equipment.

       vii. Installation and commissioning of cargo-scanning equipment.

c) Provision of ancillary facilities such as warehouses, truck parking, construction and commissioning of utility infrastructure, operation, and maintenance area.

d) Compliance with statutory requirements, environmental and sustainability requirements during the construction and of the port.

e) Maintenance and repair of the port for a specified period after construction.


C. Eligibility

Interested bidders should meet the following eligibility criteria:

a) Have relevant experience in the construction of deep-sea commercial ports.

b) Possess the necessary financial, technical, and human resources to undertake the project of identical size and nature.

c) Have the financial standing to carry out the project as a contractor-financed EPC contract.

d) Have a good track record of completing projects of identical scale and nature on time and within budget.

e) Have no history of bankruptcy or legal disputes that may affect their ability to undertake the project. Any applications submitted by parties listed in the debarred list published by the Ministry of Finance shall not qualify to submit the EOI.


D. Contents of the EOI

The EOI should include the following information:

Introduction: Provide a brief introduction to your organization, including your experience in port construction projects and your areas of expertise.

Project Team: Identify the key members of your project team, their roles, and their relevant experience.

References: Provide at least three references from previous clients or partners who can attest to your organization’s capabilities and experience in port construction projects.

Additional Information: Provide any additional information that you believe would be relevant to the deep-water port construction project.

Please note that the EOI should not exceed 20 pages (excluding references and supporting documents) and should be submitted in English. All submissions should be in electronic format and emailed to the designated email address by the deadline specified in the invitation.

E. Submission of the EOI:

The following considerations must be accounted for the purposes of submitting the EOI:

a) The EOI should be submitted via email to “Expression of Interest for the Construction of a Commercial Bulk, Container Port at K. Thilafushi”. 

b) The Documents should be addressed to:

Maldives Ports Limited,

Port Building,

Boduthakurufaanu Magu,

Malé, 20250, Maldives.

c) The EOI should include a brief profile of the contractor, relevant experience, and details of the proposed team and subcontractors as specified under Section D. – Contents of the EOI.

d) The EOI should also include a statement of interest, highlighting the contractor’s approach to the project and their capability to deliver the project within the timelines and budget, as part of the introduction.

e) The EOIs must be submitted via email . All submissions should be made through the official email domain of the submitting organization. Submissions made through personal or non-official email domains will not be considered.

F. Deadline

The deadline of the EOI submission is on the 26th of April 2023, by 23:59HRS. EOIs received after this time will not be accepted.

G. Evaluation of EOIs.

All EOIs will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

f) The experience and capability of the contractor to undertake the project.

g) The contractor’s track record in delivering similar projects on time and within budget.

h) The quality of the proposed team and subcontractors.

i) The contractor’s proposed approach and methodology for executing the project.

j) The contractor’s financial capability to undertake the project on contractor financing terms.

The shortlisted contractors will be invited to participate in the bidding process. The criteria for the selection of the successful bidder(s) will be included in the Request for Proposal (RFP) documents.

H. Further queries and clarifications:

Where the applicants have any questions or require further information regarding this invitation for EOIs, please contact us at the following email address: All inquiries and responses related to this invitation for EOIs must be submitted in writing and addressed to the contact information specified above.

Please include “EOI QUERY: For the Construction of a Bulk Port at K. Thilafushi” in the subject line of your email. We encourage you to carefully review the EOI document and provide a complete response that addresses all the criteria outlined in the document.

Thank you for your interest in this project. We look forward to receiving your submission.

19 April 2023