Ministry of Economic Development
Request for Expression of Interest - Finance Officer (Local)

Request for Expression of Interest


Support People's Livelihoods in the Fishery Sector in Maldives through

Sustainable Energy Project


Finance Officer (Local)



Number of staff

1 Staff


The Government of Maldives (GoM) through the support of the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) are implementing the Support People's Livelihoods in the Fishery Sector in Maldives through Sustainable Energy Project to upscale up to 200 fishing vessels in the Maldives.

The objective of the project is to contribute to achieving the Policy 5: Increase profitability from fishery activities (‘Hama Agu’ Policy) of the country’s Strategic Action Plan (SAP) for 2019-2023, in particular the Strategy 5.2: Promote and facilitate access to technologies and techniques to increase profitability, improve catch quality, and reduce postharvest losses.

In order to implement the activities of the project and achieve its object, a Project Management Unit is established at the Ministry of Economic Development. As part of the PMU strengthening process, the Ministry of Economic Development wishes to contract services of a Finance Officer (Local).


Scope of service, Required Expertise & Qualifications, and Remuneration

Please refer to the Terms of Reference


Contract Duration

This is a 1-year contract. Upon signing of the contract, 3 months shall be counted as the probationary period. The contract shall be renewed based on performance, need, and funding.   

This contract is expected to commence in February 2023.


Required Documents

Interested candidates must submit the following documents/information to demonstrate their qualifications, experience, and responsiveness to this TOR.

  • Expression of interest letter
  • Educational certificates
  • Letters stating your work experience
  • Curriculum vitae indicating all experience from similar jobs


Interested applicants may obtain further information at the address below during office hours 08:00 to 14:00 hours (local time). Your applications are to be sent to this same address.


Niushad Saeed, Project Director

Ministry of Economic Development, 11th Floor, Velaanaage, Ameer Ahmed Magu

Telephone: +960 332-3668

Fax: +960 332-3668

Email: [email protected]        



Applications must be delivered in a written form to the address below (in person, or by mail, or by fax, or by e-mail) by 20th February 2023.

08 February 2023