Secretariat of the Ihavandhoo Council, North Thiladhunmathi
ޕްރޮކިއުމެންޓް އެވޯޑް ކުރެވުނު ގޮތުގެ މަޢުލޫމާތު ފެބްރުވަރީ 2022

# Project Name Client Council AWARDED PARTY Currency AWARDED PRICE DATE Duration
1  Discharge Pipe Pvc 3    Ihavandhoo Council   Veligaa Hardware    2,713.60 5/2/2022 _
2  Windows Vertical Blinds   Ihavandhoo Council   Fortsen Shades  MRF 6,293.75 13/02/2022 _
3  Official T Shart   Ihavandhoo Council   Charly  MRF 825.00 20/02/2022  
4  Led Filament Candle Tail Bulb   Ihavandhoo Council   Sunfront Lightin  MRF 7,649.50 21/02/2022  
5  Aircondition Motherbord   Ihavandhoo Council   Asters  MRF 2,500.00 17/02/2022 _
6  Wall maount Led Light   Ihavandhoo Council   Aris Décor  MRF 1,800.00 22/02/2022 _
7  Council Idhaaraage Pickup beyunuvaa Diesel   Ihavandhoo Council   Two four two fuel Services  MRF 700.00 21/02/2022 _
8  Maguthakah Araigen Kandaafaivaa Ruhhgahuge Bud vakikurun   Ihavandhoo Council   Pro-Islander  MRF 12,645.00 21/02/2022 _
9  Rayyithunge bahdhaluvumah negi fini hiyypevumuge thakethi   Ihavandhoo Council   Hamaroalhikuri  MRF 1,615.00 21/2/2022 _
10  Water Pump   Ihavandhoo Council   Huvaas  MRF 1,850.00 23/02/2022 _
14 March 2022