Island Aviation Services Limited
IASL Seaplane Hanger Wall Sheet Replacement & Painting

Ref no: IAS/MIS/2021-877

Island Aviation Services Ltd.  Has a requirement for Replacing Wall Sheet & Painting at Seaplane Hanger.

Island Aviation Services Ltd here by invites all local parties to this project.

Therefore, interested parties are required to provide expression of interest by mailing to [email protected] / [email protected]  before 1st July 2021, 16:00hrs (local time). Email should be as per below format.

To: [email protected]

Cc to: [email protected]

Subject: EOI for [Project: Replacing Wall Sheet & Painting at Seaplane Hanger]

Attached is the Request for proposal and Scope of Work.

Please refer to Scope of Work for further details regarding this project. Request for proposal and Scope of work is attached along with the announcement.


For further queries, please email to [email protected] /  [email protected] or call to 3024763 / 3331253.

27 June 2021