Job Opportunity
Number: FNK/A/IUL/2019/133
Published Date: 04 Feb 2019
Published Time: 11:05
Deadline: 06 Feb 2019 13:30
Fenaka Corporation Limited
Software Developer














FOR SOFTWARE DEVELOPER (Number of Candidates: 03)













Fenaka Corporation was established on 18 June 2012, registered on 1st August 2012 under the Company Act 10/96. The corporation is formed by the merger of the then all utility companies. It is a 100% government owned Limited Liability Company. The main objective of the company is to ensure the island communities are delivered with exceptional water, secure and reliable supply of electricity, sewer service and proper waste management systems. The company is guided and directed by the board of directors at policy level. In operation level, the Managing Director (MD) is responsible for all execution and decision making for the Company. Under the MD there are the five Executive Committee members (Chief Technical Officer, Chief Financial Officer, Chief Service Officer, Chief Internal Auditor, and Chief HR Officer) where all the departments are managed and responsible for supervising and administration.


Fenaka Corporation has 16 regional branch offices spread throughout the country of Maldives, these offices including main Head Office in the capital Male’ City manage and coordinate 152 Powerhouses along with a few water and sewerage service offices.


The development of technological advacements requires Fenaka Corporation to make the most effective and efficient communication channels for investors and acquaintances. For this purpose, Fenaka Corporation intends to modernize and Develop the softwares to provide easy access to information required by all stakeholders.





The objective of the decveloper is to develop software applications based on a specific requirement & to ensure  the developed application meets all specified qualities and performance parameters.


Scope of Services

The main deliverable for the developer will be to formulate a comprehensive plan to achieve the following objectives.

  • In coordination with the management the candidate will , design and implement web-based application Systems, modules and any software components needed to support the company’s programs and projects;
  • Build user-facing elements and Integration of with server-side logic
  • Write reusable, testable, and efficient code
  • Design and implementation of low-latency, high-availability, and performant applications
  • Implementation of security and data protection
  • Integration of Restful API's
  • Connect with RESTful APIs



  • Minimum diploma in information technology (software applications) or in a related field.
  • Minimum 2 years of experience in software development or in a related field.
  • Knowledge of PHP and Laravel.
  • Knowledge of Database management
  • Knowledge of Javascript and ECMA 2015
  • Knowledge of Node.js and frameworks
  • Experience with Cloud and DevOps ( AWS )
  • Good understanding of RESTful API
  • Good understanding of server-side to front-end flow
  • Knowledge of git
  • Bonus ReactNative ( Android, iOS )
  • Bonus VueJS



  •  Strong commitment and willing to work outside normal working hours when


  •  Strong interpersonal skills.
  •  Ability to asses and communicate issues clearly.
  •  Strong problem-solving skills.
  •  Attention to detail.
  •  Strong time management skills.
  •  Ability to work under pressure and deliver project objectives.
  • Strong and effective inter-personal and communication skills and the ability to interact professionally with a diverse group of staffs.



Interested candidates must provide in their application, the following information that demonstrates they are qualified to perform the services:


  1. Completed Job application .
  2. Documents ascertaining the information provided in the Application Form (such as accredited certificates and portfolio of previous projects, resume’s etc.).
  3. Any other relevant experience, qualification, and capability – description of similar assignments, experience in similar conditions, availability of appropriate skills (qualification, and capability), etc. based on the TOR.
  4. Availability – earliest date of availability to begin work

        5.Electronic/hard copy of up-to-date CV

 Payment Terms

  • 1year Contract
  • Salary: Negotiable
  • Based on Performance Contract can be Extended. 


Interested candidates/parties may obtain an outline TOR from Fenaka Head Office (Port Compelx, 7th Floor) and further information and the TOR at the address  below on or before 06th  February 2019, 13:30 hrs.

Fenaka Corporation Limited

Port Complex Building 7th Floor, Hilaalee Magu

Male’, Republic of Maldives          

Phone: +960 300 7555        

Fax: +960 332 7555,

Email:  [email protected]

04th February 2019


04 Feb 2019