Number: (IUL)438-GCF/438/2018/283
Published Date: 17 Oct 2018
Published Time: 09:08
Deadline: 01 Nov 2018 11:00
Ministry of Environment and Energy
Consultancy services for Groundwater Resource Management and Aquifer Protection In Maldives (GCF project)


Consultancy services for Groundwater Resource Management and Aquifer Protection In  Maldives (GCF project)

The previous announcement, Ref No: (IUL)438-WS/438/2018/249  dated 21 September 2018, has been cancelled due to inadequate responses. As there is a change in RFP details this scope is tendered as a new Bid Proposal.


  • The Government of Maldives has received funding from the Green Climate Fund (GCF) for the project “Supporting Vulnerable Communities in Maldives to Manage Climate Change-Induced Water Shortages”. The Government of Maldives through the Ministry of Environment and Energy (MEE), is seeking the services of a Consultancy Firm for Groundwater Resource Management and Aquifer Protection In  Maldives (GCF project).
  • A detailed Terms of Reference (TOR) and Request for Proposal (RFP) for the consulting services will be attached to this advertisement and is also downloadable on the Ministry’s website Interested consultation Firms may obtain further information via mail to


  • The Bidder shall be registered to submit the proposal by submitting ‘Bidders’ Registration Form’ to the email address on or before 1400 hours on October 23rd, 2018.  Only registered bidders will be qualified to submit a bid proposal. The form will be attached to this gazette advertisement and also made available on the Ministry’s website.


  • Any clarifications to the bid may be sent to the email addresses on or before 1300 hours on October 24th, 2018.


  • Proposals shall be delivered in a sealed envelope, bearing the name of the project (Consultancy services for Groundwater Resource Management and Aquifer Protection In  Maldives (GCF project)), bid opening time and date, the address the bid is submitted to (as in the RFP), and the bidders company name, to the Ministry of Environment and Energy at the address specified in the RFP. Proposals shall be valid for a period of 90 days from the date of Opening. Electronic submissions are not allowed.


  • Bids should be submitted on or before 1100 hours, Maldivian time on November 1st , 2018. The bids will be opened at 1100 hours, on November 1st , 2018 in the presence of the Bidders who wish to attend the bid opening. Any late bids will be rejected.


GCF Project Management Unit

Water and Sanitation Department

Ministry of Environment and Energy,

Green Building, Handhuvaree Hingun,

Maafannu, Male’, 20392,

Republic of Maldives

Tel. (960)-3018-446


17 Oct 2018