Number: (IUL) 22-E/1/2017/153
Published Date: 30 Apr 2017
Published Time: 14:43
Deadline: 09 May 2017 13:00
Ministry of Education
Request for Quotations

Request for Quotations


National Institute of Education of the Ministry of Education now invites sealed quotations from eligible bidders for the tailoring of Graduation Gowns.


All details are included in Information Sheet.


Information Session:

An information session will be held for interested parties on 4th May 2017, Thursday 13:00 at Meeting Room1, Ministry of Education (9th Floor, Velaanaage). Bids will not be accepted from those parties who do not attend this information session.



Interested parties can request for the Bid Forms and Information Sheet by emailing to [email protected] and [email protected]   Bids without the completed Bid Form will not be accepted.


Bid Opening:

Interested parties must submit their bids on 9th May 2017 (Tuesday) at 13:00 in Meeting Room 1, Ministry of Education (9th Floor, Velaanaage), where they will be opened in the presence of bidders who wish to attend bid opening. Bids without the completed bid form and late bids will be rejected.

Further information can be obtained at the address below during office hours.

The applications must be addressed and delivered to:


The Project Coordinator


Coordination Support Unit, Ministry of Education, Male’, Maldives.


00960 3341317, 3341318

 Email: [email protected]and aishath. [email protected]

30 Apr 2017