Number: (IUL)22-PU/1/2017/101
Published Date: 16 Mar 2017
Published Time: 08:49
Deadline: 27 Mar 2017 23:00
Ministry of Education
International Consultancy for Digitization of the school curriculum in the Republic of Maldives



International Consultancy for Digitization of the school curriculum in the Republic of Maldives.

The Ministry of Education now seeks foreign consultants and foreign companies to apply for Providing consultancy in Digitization of the school curriculum of the Republic of Maldives.

The Terms of Reference (TOR) and Remunerations for the consultant is attached.

The Applications must be mailed to [email protected]  before 2300 hours local time on 27th March 2017.

Further queries may be made on (+960) 777 6 298 on phone, viber and whatsApp.










The requirements of the 21st Century knowledge and skills demand an almost complete revamping and overhauling of the existing education systems. Ministry of Education (MoE), Republic of Maldives is very much focused and moving towards such changes, taking progressive steps to bring the needed technological changes. MoE envisions the schools to become innovative in delivering quality education.

To make this vision a reality the CURRICULUM DIGITISATION project would be a worthy outset to start that will definitely bring the desirable objectives to the school communities. This project proposes and intends a one-to-one tablet initiative that will launch at the beginning of academic year 2018. This project anticipates to offers in each of the government school, that each of the students will have a tablet. The young minds will be prepared and exposed to 21st Century learning by providing and increasing the technological literacy and innovative use of media. Not merely the students but it would also motivate the real practitioners (teachers) of schools to bring the effective classrooms.

Ministry of Education is seeking top-tier expertise input from an experienced international specialist to look into and research, evaluate, identify and implement appropriate platforms and tools necessary to create technology integrated learning and teaching environment. The consultant is required to work at MoE, under the Policy, Planning and Research Division.



The aim of this project is to provide students with opportunities to be engaged in a technology-enhanced environment that enhances teaching, fosters learning and develops 21st century essential life skills for all students.


Objective of the Assignment


  • To make available technology integrated learning and teaching tools for the national curriculum by August 2017
  • To establish technology integrated learning and teaching environments in all classrooms of the country by January 2018
  • To make available for individual students and teachers, interactive devices that offer alternative inputs and applications to support a technology integrated learning and teaching environment by January 2018.
  •  To train all teachers for technology integrated learning and teaching by November 2017.


Main tasks of the Consultants


Under this assignment, the consultant is expected to:

  • Create a clear roadmap for the overall project.
  • Identify existing solutions used by other education bodies.
  • Identify appropriate platforms for this project.
  • Identify infrastructure needs.
  • Identify devices that will be used by the students and teachers.
  • Identify training needs.
  • Identify relevant content which are both free and available for purchase on the market.
  • Prepare detailed implementation plans.
  • Coordinate implementation of the platforms and tools.
  • Monitor and provide feedback to the implementation team.
  • Prepare and present reports to stakeholders.
  • Work closely with the project team and other consultants to ensure all tasks are completed on time

Key Requirements for the Consultants


  • Preferably hold a Master's degree in Information Technology or a related area, with specialization on program development and delivery.
  • Proven expertise in evaluation, selection and rolling out of platforms and tools in the area of digitization of schools.
  • Prior experience with comparable platform development involving multiple analysis formats and reporting.
  • Excellent understanding and awareness of mobile device ecosystem in the industry.
  • Excellent analytical report writing skills.
  • Excellent written and oral communication in English, documentation and presentation skills.
  • Ability to keep with strict deadlines.






-          Cover Application letter

-          Applicant CV with photo and proof of academic and technical qualifications. ( in the case of companies technical team members CV)

-          Company profile (for companies only)

-          Proof of experience on similar projects and experiences


-          SIX (6) months, extendable to ONE (1) year or more based on performance

-          Tenure effects from 1st April 2017

-          Applicants should be able to travel to take up the consultancy within 10 days of appointment


-          US $ 18,000/- for 6 months. (payable on monthly pro rata basis)

-          Visa fee and work permit

-          Medical insurance as per the Maldives Immigration and Emigration Rules.


-          Ministry of Education

Velaanage, Male’


-          Should be able to travel in the atolls

-          Applicant should reside in Maldives during the tenure of the work


-          Ministry of Education will provide transport, travel, accommodation and food during trips made to outer atolls

-          Air fare to and from Maldives shall be borne by the applicant


All applications received will be shortlisted, from which the selection would be made. 


16 Mar 2017