Number: (IUL)438/1/2016/182
Published Date: 15 Nov 2016
Published Time: 11:34
Deadline: 06 Dec 2016 10:30
Ministry of Environment and Energy
Revised Procurement of Software License for OFID Project Management Unit



Ministry of Environment and Energy wishes to re-tender for the supply of Software Licnses, tender number (IUL)438-PDU/1/2016/176 due to lack of response received





 Microsoft Project Professional 2016 (volume based license)



 AutoCAD 2017 (standalone license)



 QuickBooks Premier 2016 (5 user license) (including training for 5 users)



1Contents of Bidding documents

a)     The Company Profile/Work profile (copy of identification card, if the bidder is an individual)

b)     Experience of the company in carrying out similar works (include documents to show relevant experiences)

c)      Company Registration Certificate (copy)

d)    Tax Payer Registration Certificate (copy)

e)     Bid price/ Quotation table as per appendix 1 (quotation must valid 45 days)

 2Evaluation Criteria

This bid is evaluated separately for each Lot and this bid will be evaluated based on lowest qualified bidder

Proposals will be evaluated as follow

  • Price 70%

70 x Lowest price submitted

        Price of proposed in consideration

  •  Delivery 15%

15 x Lowest duration

       Duration of proposed in consideration

  •  Experience 15%

              based on the experience letters submitted by the company in carrying out similar works


3General Information for bidders

  • A bidder can bid for any of the Lots or all of the Lots. The bid evaluation will be separate for the Lots
  • A bidder will not be disqualified if the bidder haven’t bid for all the Lots.

4 Bid opening

Bids shall be opened on Tuesday, 6th December 2016, 1030hrs, in Ministry of Environment and Energy/ 1st floor meeting room, in the presence of those parties or their representative who wish to attend the session.

All sealed bid shall reach MEE on or before Tuesday, 6th December 2016, 1030hrs. Any bids received after the deadline shall be disqualified.

Important Note: It is in MEE’s discretion to reject/cancel any bid which does not fulfil or comply the above terms, at any time during the bid evaluation process. Also it is in MEE’s discretion to cancel this request for bid at any time.

5. Further information:

Ministry of Environment and Energy,

Phone: 3018453/ 3018454

Fax: 3018301

Email: [email protected]

This invitation for bid is also published in MEE website www.environment.gov.mv


14 Nov 2016