Number: (IUL) 138 PIS1/1/2016/216
Published Date: 26 Oct 2016
Published Time: 09:05
Deadline: 02 Nov 2016 11:00
Ministry of Housing and Infrastructure
GA.Kolamaafushi Harbor Reconstruction Project

Invitation for Bids

GA.Kolamaafushi Harbor Reconstruction Project.

  1. The invitation for bids requested by Ministry’s Announcement number (IUL) 138-PIS1/1/2016/198 dated 10th October 2016 has been cancelled due to insufficient number of bid responses.
  2. The Ministry of Housing and Infrastructure re-invites interested parties to submit Bid Proposals to provide technical consultancy and report preparation works for the Environmental Impact Assessment of the above project.
  3. The Information Sheet would be available through the Ministry’s official website
  4. Bidding opening would commence on 2nd November 2016, Wednesday 11:00AM, at Ministry of Housing and Infrastructure. Those who do not attend on time will not be allowed to submit their proposals.

Contact Information:

Infrastructure department/Environment Monitoring Unit

Ministry of Housing and Infrastructure

Ameenee Magu

Male’, Rep. of Maldives

Phone: 3004110/ 3004327   Fax: 3004301

E.Mail:  [email protected]

24 Oct 2016