Number: MTCC-PD/IU/2016/168
Published Date: 25 Oct 2016
Published Time: 15:02
Deadline: 30 Oct 2016 16:00
Maldives Transport and Contracting Company Plc
Invitation for the implementation of Document Management System at MTCC.

Invitation for the implementation of Document Management System at MTCC.

The Maldives Transport and Company Plc. invites prospective respondents to submit proposals for an enterprise electronic Document Management System (DMS).  The respondents will provide a turnkey solution that includes document imaging, optical character recognition, naming, tagging, storage and retrieval of documents of various sizes for all MTCC departments.

  1. Bid documents available for download from MTCC website,
  2. Bids must be submitted before 1600 hours of 30th October 2016 to Procurement Department of MTCC.
  3. For more information please contact the address below using format provided in the bid documents.

[email protected],

Procurement Department

MTCC Tower, 2nd Floor

Male’, Maldives

24 Oct 2016