Job Opportunity
Number: (IUL) 438/438/2016/147
Published Date: 14 Jun 2016
Published Time: 12:54
Deadline: 21 Jun 2016 14:00
Ministry of Environment and Energy
Project Coordinator for ASPIRE - Extended

Accelerating Sustainable Private Investment in Renewable Energy (ASPIRE) Project

SCF Grant NO.: TF017182

Request for Expressions of Interest

Project Coordinator for ASPIRE

The Government of the Republic of Maldives has received grant fundsunder the multi-donor Strategic Climate Fund, administered by the World Bank, towards the cost of Accelerating Sustainable Private Investment in Renewable Energy (ASPIRE) Project and intends to apply part of the proceeds of this grant to eligible payments under the contract for the services of Project Coordinator for ASPIRE for the Project Management Unit (PMU), established within the MEE. The Ministry of Environment and Energy has decided to revise the Request for Expression of Interest Ref No.: (IUL) 438/438/2016/124 and invite interested eligible individuals to submit their Expressions of Interest (EoI).

The objective of this assignment is for ensuring the timely and coordinated implementation of the ASPIRE project over the Project duration.

Key qualifications of the individuals who apply for the position are:

-        Minimum Undergraduate Degree;

Degree in engineering or equivalent related scientific field with a strong focus on the energy sector would be an added advantage;

Training in related field will be an added advantage.

-        Minimum 3 years of experience working in a related position;

-        Experience of working in donor-aided projects is desirable;

-        Knowledge of the Maldives energy sector, including overarching legal, regulatory and technical aspects will be an added advantage;

-        Must be result oriented and proactive. Ability to manage targeted indicators.

-        Strong communication skills in presenting, discussing and resolving difficult issues. Ability to work efficiently and effectively in a multidisciplinary team.

In addition to the above the successful candidate must be willing to work for extended periods without direct supervision.

Interested individuals must provide their CV with information demonstrating that they are qualified to perform the services (description of similar assignments, experience in similar conditions, availability of appropriate skills, etc.) covering the Key Qualifications listed above.

A candidate will be selected in accordance with the procedures set out in the World Bank’s Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants under IBRD Loans and IDA Credits and Grants by World Bank Borrowers dated January 2011, Revised July 2014.

Successful candidate will be paid an all inclusive monthly fee of MVR 30,000 to 35,000 depending on qualification and experience. The individual for this position will be hired, for a period of Twelve (12) months on fulltime basis and may be extended for a further period, based on need and performance.

The expressions of interest must be submitted to the address by (regular mail, emails or fax) not later than 1400 hours on June 21, 2016 and shall be available to commence the services no later than July 2016.

Interested individual may obtain further information on request by writing to the address below.


Project Manager

Project Management Unit

Ministry of Environment and Energy

Green Building

Handhuvaree Hingun, Maafannu

Male’, 20392, Republic of Maldives

Tel: +960 3018419, Fax: +960 3018301

Email: [email protected]

13 Jun 2016