Number: (IUL)13-K1/13/2016/41
Published Date: 23 Mar 2016
Published Time: 10:10
Deadline: 21 Apr 2016 13:30
Ministry of Finance and Treasury
Project Management Consultant For The Kulhudhuffushi Harbor Expansion Project- revised iulaan

Project Number:  TES/2016/C-003


Project Management Consultant For

The Kulhudhuffushi Harbor Expansion Project

The Government of Maldives has applied for a grant from the Asian Development Bank (ADB) for the Kulhudhuffushi Harbor Expansion Project (the project) and intends to apply a portion of proceeds to engage a firm of consultants to carry out general project management, detail design, procurement, construction supervision, and monitoring activities for the project. The Ministry of Housing and Infrastructure is designated as the Implementing agency

The project is expected to improve connectivity and access to socio-economic activities in the Northern Region of Maldives. The project involves the construction of a passenger and cargo harbor and its ancillary facilities, stretching over 667 m along of the reclaimed area of the Kulhudhuffushi Island.

The Government of Maldives, represented by the Ministry of Finance and Treasury, invites national and international firms to submit Expression of Interest (EOI) to participate in the selection of the Project Management Consultant for the project. The consulting service will support the implementing agency by providing:

  1. project management assistance,
  2. detailed engineering design;
  3. procurement assistance;
  4. supervision and administration of works and equipment, and
  5. Project performance and compliance monitoring assistance.

The consulting service is recruited as part of the advance actions for the ensuing grant. The service will be carried out over a period of 26 months. The input for International Experts is about 11.5 person-months, while for the National Experts (including support staff) the input is estimated to be 35 person-months. The estimated cost for this consultancy will be about USD 880,000 inclusive of tax.

Only the firms from the ADB member countries are eligible for submitting EOIs. The invitation of EOI, the Terms of Reference for the consulting service, and the EOI format - which needs to be followed the interested firm - can be downloaded from our website .

By regular mail, the EOI and the attachments must be submitted to the address below, and received by 1400 hours (local time) on or before 21 April 2016.

Simultaneous to this invitation, a Consulting Services Recruitment Notice (CSRN) for this consulting service is published on ADB's website. If online submission is preferred, the website includes a link to standard EOI form that firms can download, filled out and submit online through ADB's website under business opportunities section. The deadline for EOI submission via ADB’s website is the same as above.

On the basis of the submission, 6 (six) firms shall be shortlisted and invited to submit their proposals, in accordance with ADB's Guidelines on the Use of Consultants (the ADB Guidelines). The selection of the consultant shall be done under QCBS (Quality and Cost Based Selection) in accordance with the ADB Guidelines, with a quality to cost ratio of 90:10.

Interested parties may obtain further information from the Ministry of Finance and Treasury by written requests either by email or fax at the contact detail below, 5 days before the deadline for submission.

Mr. Ahmed Mujuthaba

Director General

Public Procurement Division

Ministry of Finance and Treasury

Ameenee Magu, Male’

Republic of Maldives

Tel:  (960)3349104, (960)3349106    

Fax: (960)3332706

E-mail: [email protected]

[email protected]

23 Mar 2016