Number: TCL/PROC-TA/2016/004
Published Date: 28 Jan 2016
Published Time: 09:10
Deadline: 02 Feb 2016 10:30
Thilafushi Corporation Limited
Pest Control Service


Thilafushi Corporation Ltd. (TCL) is seeking a Pest Control service provider to address pest related issues in K. Thilafushi, for a period of 2 years.

TCL invites potential and competent parties to submit proposals for operating the Pest Control services at Thilafushi. 






From 8:30hrs

31st January 2016 to 02nd February 2016


TCL head office

Releasing of information sheet


02nd February 2016


TCL head office

Pre-bid Meeting


07th February 2016


TCL head office

Bid submission and Bid Opening

  • A minimum bank guarantee of MVR. 50,000.00 (Maldivian Rufiyaa Fifty Thousand) must be submitted along with the bid. Bank guarantee should be valid for at least 90 (Ninety) days

Important tips for interested parties who wish to submit their bids:

  • Only one proposal can be submitted by each party.
  • Proposal should be valid for at least 90 (Ninety) days.
  • Thilafushi Corporation reserves the right to eliminate proposals with incomplete information.
  • Proposal should be submitted with all required information.

Only those who have taken the bid documents for this bid can participate in the bid opening. All bid proposals should be submitted in sealed envelopes. Bid opening will be held at Thilafushi Corporation with all those who want to participate in the bid opening.

Proposal evaluation criteria will be included in the information sheet and for further queries please contact TCL.

18 Rabeeul al-akhir 2016

28 January 2016

Fen Building/ 4th floor                                                                

Ameenee Magu, Male’, Republic of Maldives                                                

Tel: 3307513 Fax: 3307514                                                 

28 Jan 2016