Number: TCL/PROC-TA/2015/048
Published Date: 04 Jan 2016
Published Time: 08:20
Deadline: 11 Jan 2016 15:00
Thilafushi Corporation Limited
Design and Build of 820 Meter asphalt Road

Cancelled on 05 Jan 2016 13:43

Invitation for bids

Thilafushi Corporation Limited (TCL) was incorporated in April 2009 as a fully owned government entity with a broad mandate to develop Kaafu Atoll Thilafushi and its surrounding areas as an industrial zone. 

TCL has decided to develop the Access Road on the existing causeway connecting Thilafushi 1 and Thilafushi Industrial Zone (TIZ).  TCL aims to resolve some existing critical issues such as inadequate land connectivity and to facilitate the provision’ of basic utility services’ such as electricity, water and sanitation and communication network to TIZ.

Therefore Thilafushi Corporation invites financially and technically competent local and international contractors who are interested in undertaking this Design and Build of 820 Meter asphalt Road to submit proposals for Thilafushi Access Road Project.






09:00 to 15:00

4th to 11th January 2016

06 working days

TCL head office

Payment for Bid Documents


13th January 2016


TCL head office

Releasing Bid Documents


18th January 2016


TCL head office

Pre-bid Meeting


19th January 2016


TCL head office

Site Inspection


27th January 2016


TCL head office

Bid Submission & Bid Opening of Technical Proposal

Technically qualified bidders shall be informed of the Commercial Proposal opening venue, date and time. Disqualified bidders Commercial Proposal will be returned unopened. 

  • Price of bid document is MVR 1542/- (Maldivian Rufiyaa Five Hundred) or US$ 100 (USD One Hundred) Price of bid document is non-refundable.
  • A minimum Bank Guarantee of MVR 300,690/- (Maldivian Rufiyaa Three Hundred Thousand Six Hundred Ninety) or US$ 19500/-  (USD Nineteen Thousand Five Hundred) should be submitted along with the bid and should be valid for minimum 90 (Ninety) days.
  • Only one proposal can be submitted by each party.
  • Proposal should be valid for at least 90 (Ninety) days.
  • Thilafushi Corporation reserves the right to reject proposals with incomplete information.

Bids would be only accepted by parties who have obtained the bidding document. Bids shall be submitted in two separate envelopes, one containing the Technical Proposal and the other containing the Commercial Proposal. Both envelopes must be sealed and marked and placed within a single envelope. An original and one copy shall be submitted. Bid opening will be held at Thilafushi Corporation with all those who want to participate in the bid opening. For further queries please contact the procurement department.

24 Rabeeul Awwal 1437

04 Jan 2016