Number: 216-MPAO/I/2015/16
Published Date: 12 Feb 2015
Published Time: 09:29
Deadline: 23 Feb 2015 14:00
Maldives Pension Administration Office
Public Relations Firm (Local)

 Request for Expression of Interest

Pension and Social Protection Administration Project

IDA Credit No.: 4611-MV

Date:  08 Feb, 2015

Public Relations Firm (Local)

The National Social Protection Agency (NSPA) is by an executive order mandated under the National Social Health Insurance Act (15/2011) to administer and implement specific social protection programs. NSPA is also the responsible agency to administer the national social health insurance scheme under the national social health insurance act (15/2011). 

Therefore NSPA is in the process of consolidating the administration of Social Protection programs and wishes to create a robust management information system in the near future.  NSPA aims to administer all social protection programs defined and directed through policies developed by the respective line ministries in an efficient and effective manner. In order to achieve this, a social Protection information system (SPIS) is under development. The objective is to harmonize the data processes and formats and avoid duplication of costs across programs and ministries.  An integrated MIS will also allow policymakers to have a holistic picture of the beneficiary population and expenditures. 

This Social Protection system needs to be understood and complemented by efforts of numerous stakeholders to make it successful. To facilitate the stakeholders to collectively define social protection and its relative efforts in Maldives a Social Protection Workshop for the stakeholders has also been planned. Simultaneously the reregistration exercises for the Social Protection Programs currently run at NSPA are also underway as per the Social Protection Act. All these initiatives are being supported under the World Bank’s Pension and Social Protection Administration Project.

These exercises have numerous aspects related to public awareness and information dissemination to public stakeholders focused both collectively and individually. There are training programs designed to familiarize stakeholder representatives in the atolls and also development of communication campaigns for easier and more effective knowledge transfer. Thus NSPA requires expertise in the area of communications for the successful implementation of the current initiatives to enhance the social protection programs.

1.     Objective

NSPA requires a strong Public relations and communications support mechanism to ensure the information disseminated through the project initiatives are clear concise and effective. The PR firm will be responsible to preparing public awareness messages, brochures, media relations, development and implementation of all required communication campaigns of NSPA for the re-registration and branding of NSPA.

2.     Scope of services

  • Design and develop PR campaigns

The SPIS roll out, re-registration under the SP act and disability training rollout components all require communication campaigns for effective implementation and in order to achieve the objectives in the given time period the PR firm is also expected provide input in streamlining the public relations and awareness functions of the roll-out phases through preplanned communication campaigns.

  • Develop and implement the beneficiary communication process.

The team from the PR Firm will be involved with the development of communication campaigns and preparations of necessary beneficiary communications and outreach mechanisms. Thus the PR firm is expected to provide input and enhance the communications to the beneficiaries.

  • Support to translations required for effective communications to local stakeholders.

NSPA has three initiatives; Disability determination and certification process development, SPIS system development and the Health Information System developments, that are simultaneously ongoing and thus requires quick responses and immediate communications. The PR firm is responsible for providing the necessary support to ensure that translations done when necessary reflect the overall objectives of the respective communication campaign.

3.     Required Expertise and Qualifications

  • The firm should have at least five years of experience in preparing executing communication strategies for various government or private entities /projects in Maldives.
  • The professional team that would be deputed by the firm for the work under this ToR should have relevant experience in tackling critical issues and crisis situations whilst utilizing print and electronic media.
  • The team should have relevant experience in preparing PR content both in English and Dhivehi

4.     Services

Web developer is expected to work onsite, stationed at the premises specified by the CMDA or from home office as and when necessary. Services are required immediately.

The Maldives Pension Administration Office, (MPOA) now invites interested eligible firms to submit their applications.

Interested firms must provide in their application, the following information that demonstrates they are qualified to perform the services:

  1. “Expression of Interest” – a formal email/letter expressing interest for the project, and details of the documents attached with the email/letter.
  2. Documents ascertaining the information such as accredited certificates and portfolio of previous websites, previous project proposals, resume’s etc.
  3. Any other relevant experience, qualification, and capability – description of similar assignments, experience in similar conditions, availability of appropriate skills (qualification, and capability), etc. based on the TOR.
  4. Availability – earliest date of availability to begin work
  5. Electronic/hard copy of up-to-date CV

A firm will be selected in accordance with the procedures set out in the World Bank’s Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants by World Bank Borrowers, January 2011. As per World Bank Guidelines, in Selection based on Qualification  of Consultants a short list is established based on the consultants’ experience and competence relevant to the assignment, and the firm with the most appropriate qualifications and references are selected.

Interested parties may obtain an outline TOR from and further information and the TOR at the address below during office hours (10:00 am and 2:00 pm).

          1.    Maldives Pension Administration Office

Ameenee Magu, Male’

Republic of Maldives        

Phone: +960 330 9908     Fax: +960 330 7759,

Email: [email protected]

         2.    National Social Protection Agency,

Ameenee Magu, Male’,

Republic of Maldives,

Tel: +960 3005363            Fax: +960 3003535

E-mail: [email protected]

Interested parties must deliver their applications to the following address on or before 14.00 hours, February 23, 2015.

Project Manager

Pension and Social Protection Administration Project

Maldives Pension Administration Office

Male’, Republic of Maldives

Tel: +960 3309908 Fax: +960 3307759

E-mail: [email protected], [email protected]


08 Feb 2015