Job Opportunity
Number: (IUL)23-HRD(LR)/23/2023/51
Published Date: 16 Feb 2023
Published Time: 09:50
Deadline: 01 Mar 2023 13:00
Ministry of Health
Project Officer [Local] -Maldives COVID-19 Emergency Response and Health Systems Preparedness Project (COVID-19 ERHSPP)


(Consulting Services – Individual Selection)


Republic of Maldives

Maldives COVID-19 Emergency Response and Health Systems Preparedness Project (COVID-19 ERHSPP)

Grant No: D595-M, Loan No: 6591-MV, Loan No: L0378A

WB Ref No: [MV-MOH-337277-CS-INDV]


Project Officer [Local]


The Government of Maldives (GoM) has received financing from the International Development Association (IDA) and Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank under the Fast Track COVID-19 Facility (FTCF) towards the cost of the Maldives COVID-19 Emergency Response and Health Systems Preparedness Project (COVID-19 ERHSPP), and intends to apply part of the proceeds of these funds towards payments under the contract for a Project Officer for this project implemented by the Ministry of Health (MoH).

The objective of the COVID-19 ERHSPP is to respond to and mitigate the threat posed by COVID-19 and strengthen national systems for public health preparedness in Maldives. The objective will be achieved through the implementation of activities that support further prevention of COVID-19 transmission combined with activities that strengthen the health system’s capacity for disease management. Both approaches are essential to the immediate response and will serve the dual purpose of simultaneously strengthening the health system beyond the current crisis for the medium term.

The primary objective of the Project Officer is to assist in the project’s procurement processes, contract management, inventory management and administrative tasks. The Project Officer should apply and follow the guidelines, rules and strategies implemented in the PMU.

This consultancy is expected to commence in March 2023. The assignment is anticipated to be completed on 31st December 2023.

The detailed Terms of Reference (TOR) for the assignment can be found at Government Gazette website (

The Ministry of Health now invites eligible individual consultants to indicate their interest in providing the Services. Interested Consultants should provide Expression of interest, a CV including information that demonstrates that they have the required qualifications and relevant experience to perform the Services, documents supporting the candidate’s qualifications and experience, reference letters, and the copy of ID card/Passport. Short listed candidates must bring the original certificates while coming to the interview. The shortlisting criteria are:


  • Minimum MQA Level 7 in accounting and/or finance OR business administration OR in a related field.
  • Minimum 3 years’ experience in the field of procurement, inventory management, accounting and finance OR administration.
  • Proficient computer skills, including Microsoft Office Suite (MS Word, Excel, Power Point, etc.) and other relevant computer applications.
  • Good written and oral communication skills in English and Dhivehi.
  • Strong communication skills and good interpersonal relations.
  • Knowledge and experience in procurement areas/aspects such as bid evaluation, tender, local procurement of goods and services in accordance with the public finance procurement policies would be and added advantage.
  • Knowledge and experience in international procurement of goods, works and services such as various procurement methods of consultancy services and contracts, preparation of bidding/contract documents would be an added advantage.
  • Sound understanding and familiarity of government procurement policies and public finance regulations would be an added advantage.


Familiarity of international procurement guidelines applicable to donor funded projects would be an added advantage

The attention of interested Consultants is drawn to Section III, paragraph, 3.17 of the World Bank’s “Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers” July 2016, Revised November 2017 and August 2018 setting forth the World Bank’s policy on conflict of interest. In addition, please refer to the following specific information on conflict of interest related to this assignment:

3.17 Consultants shall not be hired for any assignment that would be in conflict with their prior or current obligations to other clients, or that may place them in a position of being unable to carry out the assignment in the best interests of the Borrower. Without limitation on the generality of the foregoing, Consultants shall not be hired under the circumstances set forth below:

d. Consultants (including their experts and other personnel, and sub-consultants), that have a close business or family relationship with a professional staff of the Borrower, or of the project implementing agency, or of a recipient of a part of the Bank’s financing, or any other party representing or acting on behalf of the Borrower, that is directly or indirectly involved in any part of:

i. the preparation of the TOR for the assignment;

ii. the selection process for the contract; or

iii. the supervision of the contract, may not be awarded a contract, unless the conflict stemming from this relationship has been resolved in a manner acceptable to the Bank throughout the selection process and the execution of the contract.

The individual will be selected based on the qualification and experience, in accordance with the procedures set out in the 'The World Bank Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers- Procurement in Investment Project Financing- Goods, Works, Non-Consulting and Consulting Services, July 2016, Revised November 2017 and August 2018 as per the Financing Agreement of the project.

Further information can be obtained at the address below during office hours (0800 to 1400 hours)

Expressions of interest must be delivered with the above-mentioned documents in a written form to the address below (by mail, or by e-mail) by no later than 1300 hoursMaldivian time on 1st March 2023. Late submissions will not be accepted.


        Administration Division

        Maldives COVID-19 Emergency Response and Health Systems Preparedness Project

        Ministry of Health

        Sosun Magu, Male’

        Republic of Maldives

        Tel: (960)3014481

        E-mail: [email protected]


16 Feb 2023