Number: (IUL)357-Ca357/357/2023/4
Published Date: 15 Feb 2023
Published Time: 12:08
Deadline: 27 Feb 2023 00:00
Secretariat of the Fulidhoo Council, Felidheatholhu
Procurement of a Thermal Decomposition Machine and Related Services for V.Fulidhoo Waste Management Centre

Procurement Reference Number: (IUL)357-Ca357/357/2023/4

Date: 15/2/2023


 Contract Title: Procurement of a Thermal Decomposition Machine and Related Services for V.Fulidhoo Waste Management Centre



Deadline for Submission of Bids: 27 February 2023, 11 00 hrs



 1. The Secretariat of V.Fulidhoo Council has approved budget for financing toward the cost of Waste Management in V.Fulidhoo and it intends to apply part of the proceeds of this financing to payments under the contract named above. Bidding is open to bidders from eligible source countries of the Government of the Republic of Maldives.


 2. The Secretariat of V.Fulidhoo Council  (“the Purchaser”) invites sealed bids from eligible bidders for Supply of a Thermal Decomposition Machine and Related Services for V.Fulidhoo waste management.


  3. Bidding will be conducted in accordance with Public Procurement System which is the legal Procedure outlined in the Public Finance Regulation of the Republic of Maldives and is open to all bidders from eligible countries as described in the Bidding Document.


  4. To obtain further information and inspect the Bidding Documents, bidders should contact:


5. Attention: Bid Evaluation Committee/ Mabrook Ishag/ Assistant Council Executive

Street address: Secretariat of V.Fulidhoo Council/ Sosun Magu

Floor/Room number: Ground Floor

Atoll/Island: V.Fulidhoo

ZIP code: 10010

Country: Republic of Maldives

Telephone: (960)-6700603;

Mobile: (960)- 9393603

Fax: (960)-6700603

E-mail: [email protected]


5. To purchase the Bidding Documents eligible bidders should


  • write to the address above requesting the Bidding Documents for The procurement of a thermal decomposition machine and related services for V.Fulidhoo waste management center.
  • pay a nonrefundable fee of Two Hundred Rufiyaa (MVR. 200.00) by transfer to the Council’s Bank Account or direct cash payment to the Secretariat of V.Fulidhoo Council to collect the document in printed form.
  • The document will be either sent by Electronic Mail orwill be available to collect from Secretariat of V.Fulidhoo Council. No liability will be accepted for loss or late delivery.


6. Deliver your bid

  • to the address above
  • on the deadline: 27 February 2023, 11:00 hrs


Bids will be opened immediately after the deadline for bid submission in the presence of bidders’ representatives who choose to attend.


7. The Secretariat of V.Fulidhoo Council will not be responsible for any costs or expenses incurred by bidders in connection with the preparation or delivery of bids.


8. When comparing Bids, Domestic Preference Scheme will not be applied.

15 Feb 2023