Number: (IUL)101-AS/1/2022/281
Published Date: 09 Nov 2022
Published Time: 12:52
Deadline: 24 Nov 2022 11:00
Ministry of Economic Development
Design and Production of a Video Presentation for Invest Maldives


Ref no: (IUL)101-AS/1/2022/281                                                                           9th November 2022



Design and Production of a Video Presentation for Invest Maldives

The Ministry of Economic Development is seeking to employ the services of a Creative Agency that would carry out the works as detailed in the Terms of Reference (TOR) attached.

Applicants are required to submit separate Technical and Financial proposals in two separate sealed envelopes, details of which are stipulated in the TOR attached.

The proposals must be delivered in person to the address below by 1100 hrs on 24th November 2022.

Ministry of Economic Development

11th floor, Velaanaage

Male’, Maldives

Tel: (+960) 332 3668


An information session shall be held for parties that register via the following link by 1400 hrs, 14th November 2022:

The date and time for the information session shall be informed to the registered parties.





09 Nov 2022