Number: (IUL)249-A/249/2022/55
Published Date: 25 Sep 2022
Published Time: 14:53
Deadline: 09 Oct 2022 13:00
Secretariat of the Kelaa Council, North Thiladhunmathi
Conducting a study to determine the reason for coral fragment Accumulation at Kelaa Beach (West Side)


 Conducting a study to determine the reason for coral fragment Accumulation at Kelaa Beach (West Side)

The Secretariat of HA. Kelaa Council (the “Council”), representing the Government of Maldives, here by announces to Conducting a study to determine the reason for coral fragment Accumulation at Kelaa Beach (West Side).

 Interested parties may register to join for information session on 04th October 2022, 13:00hrs.

Interested parties for bid registration use attached bid registration form and remember to mail bid registration form to below email address before 3rd October 2022, 1300hrs.

The Council welcome interested parties with the required technical expertise to participate in this bid and submit the proposals on 09th October 2022, 13:00hrs to the address specified by the Council.

 For further information with regard to this bid announcement, and for the registration, please email to: [email protected]

  Secretariat of HA. Kelaa Council.

For registration:  [email protected]

25 Sep 2022