Public Information
Number: (IUL)23-AP/23/2022/199
Published Date: 20 Apr 2022
Published Time: 13:48
Deadline: 26 Apr 2022 13:00
Ministry of Health
Renovation of the ERHSPP PMU Office

Request for Quotation (RFQ)


Invitation number: (IUL)23-AP/23/2022/199

20th April 2022





Maldives COVID-19 Emergency Response and Health Systems Preparedness Project (COVID-19 ERHSPP)

WB Ref No: MV-MOH-282640-CW-RFQ



The Ministry of Health (the purchaser), now invites to submit quotation from interested and eligible parties: for the renovation of the ERHSPP PMU Office



All the required information is included in the RFQ document.


RFQ and Supporting Document:

The Request for Quotation (RFQ) Document, is downloadable from this gazette page and also can be obtained upon request to [email protected].


Any clarification request regarding this RFQ may be sent in writing to Fathimath Yumna, Procurement Specialist, [email protected], before 26th April 2022, 13:00 hours. The Employer will forward copies of its response to all Contractors including a description of the inquiry but without identifying its source.


To register, interested parties must fill out the registration form and send the signed registration sheet to tender@health,, and CC to [email protected], before 26th April 2022, 13:00 hours. Late registration will not be acceptable. 

Quotation Submission:

Interested parties must submit their sealed quotation on 28th April 2022, (Thursday) at 11am, to the address below, where they will be opened in the presence of representatives who choose to attend the meeting. Late submissions will be rejected.

Quotation must be addressed to:

Attention: Mohmed Jinan, Project Director

ERHSP Project, Ministry of Health, Roashanee Building, Sosun magu, Male’, Republic of Maldives

        Tel:(960)3014443, (960)3014451

        E-mail: [email protected]

20 Apr 2022