Job Opportunity
Number: (IUL)459-HR/1/2021/138
Published Date: 01 Sep 2021
Published Time: 10:49
Deadline: 08 Sep 2021 13:00
Ministry of Gender, Family and Social Services
Monitoring & Evaluation Officer

Vacancies in Ministry of Gender, Family and Social Services

We are currently seeking highly qualified Monitoring & Evaluation Officer to join our team.


A. Background Information

The Gender Equality Act (GE Act) 18/2016, which was endorsed on 23 August 2016 and which came into effect on 22 February 2017, provides general principles to achieve gender equality in the Maldives. It provides a framework to formulate policies that prohibit discrimination based on gender and outlines the duties and responsibilities of State institutions and other relevant parties to achieve gender equality in their respective spheres. GE Act implementation was initiated with awareness programs conducted to State institutions as well as private sectors. The law also requires the adoption of a National Policy on Gender Equality and a National Gender Equality Action Plan, to ensure the effective implementation of the Law within set timelines.

The National Gender Equality Policy (GEP) includes a framework of actions for the attainment of the five policy goals in the areas of;

  1. Leadership and Governance
  2. Economic Development
  3. Institutional Gender Mainstreaming
  4. Gender Based Violence
  5. Access to Justice


B. Objective and Purpose of Assignment

The Ministry of Gender, Family and Social Services is seeking to hire an individual to assist Gender Development and Empowerment Department (GDED) in the successful monitoring and evaluation of the Gender Equality Action Plan (GEAP).


C. Scope of Work

The Monitoring & Evaluation Officer will be required to undertake following tasks, among others;

  1. Coordinate the activities of the GEAP Monitoring and Evaluation Framework (M&E Framework) to ensure the timely implementation of the activities.
  2. Update and maintain the GEAP M&E Framework.
  3. Liaise with stakeholder agencies to obtain statistical data required for M&E Framework.
  4. Prepare and submit monthly reports on the M&E Framework.
  5. Provide and present monthly updates on the M&E Framework to the National Steering Committee and Technical Committees.
  6. Coordinate with focal points from respective Ministries/agencies/offices to ensure information, reports and other documentation requested by the supervisor for review and/or for presentation to National Steering Committee of the GEAP, are provided in a timely manner.
  7. Evaluate the overall implementation of GEAP and provide recommendations to the supervisor and National Steering Committee.
  8. Conduct Capacity building such as result based management sessions for the stakeholders
  9. Provide overall updates to the supervisor and ensure timely delivery of the project outputs in accordance to the contract agreements.
  10. Any other work related tasks assigned by supervisor.


 D. Duration and Commencement of Services

Successful candidates will be contracted for a period of 4 (four) months, with potential renewal of contract based on performance and organizational need, the duration of which will be negotiated with the individual but shall not exceed 1 (one) years in total. Expected commencement of services is September 2021.  


E. Qualifications and Experience

  • Bachelor’s degree in development studies or sociology or related social science field with minimum experience of 6 years.
  • Strong communication skills, and ability to liaise with various stakeholders, including government officials.
  • Full proficiency in Dhivehi and English is required.
  • Experience in compiling reports and related documentation will be an added advantage.

F. Reporting Requirements

 1. Report directly to Head of Department of GDED of the Ministry.


G. Working Hours

 1. The Monitoring & Evaluation Officer should report to work on week days from 0800 – 1400hrs, other than public holidays.


I. Remuneration and Leave details

Successful candidate will be paid a fixed monthly fees depending on qualification and experience ranging from MVR 20,000 – 25,000. In addition, any fees payable to the individual for duty travel assignments, Ramadan allowance shall be compensated at the government prevailing rates. Fixed monthly fee shall be subject to deduction for pension and any other statutory requirement as may be applicable. Leave entitlement shall be as follows;


Sick Leave: Ten (10) days of paid sick leave. The Program Officer is not allowed to take sick leave for more than two consecutive days unless a medical certificate specifying the nature of the illness and recommended duration of sick leave issued by a licensed medical practitioner is submitted on the first day back at work.


Family Responsibility Leave: Three (03) days of paid leave in a year to attend important obligations such as tending family members during illness.


Unpaid Leave: The Program officer will not be paid for leave(s) that exceed the maximum allowed and the Client may terminate the contract if the unpaid leave exceeds more than thirty (30) working days.



J. Application instructions

The Ministry of Gender, Family and Social Services now invite interested individuals qualified for the assignments to submit Expression of Interest inclusive of the following documentation to demonstrate your eligibility for the assignment.

 1. Cover Letter for Expression of Interest.

 2. CV including information that demonstrates that the candidate is qualified to undertake the scope of work.

 3. Work experience documentation. (Description of similar assignments, and experiences in similar field of work).

 4. Copies of attested academic qualifications

 5. Reference letters from current and/or previous employers.


Candidates interested in applying, please email your CV along with other relevant documents to [email protected]  before 08th September 2021 13:00 For more information please call +960 3027551

01 Sep 2021