Public Information
Number: (IUL)30-MAP/30/2021/138
Published Date: 12 Jul 2021
Published Time: 13:57
Deadline: 15 Jul 2021 12:00
Ministry of Fisheries, Marine Resources and Agriculture
Invitation for Bids Rent of office space for Maldives Agribusiness Programme

The Government of Maldives (GoM) through the Ministry of Fisheries, Marine Resources and Agriculture (MoFMRA) is implementing the Maldives Agribusiness Programme (MAP) with the support of International Fund for Agriculture Development (IFAD). Maldives Agribusiness Programme (MAP) invites bids from eligible and qualified bidders for Rent of minimum 800sqft office space in Male’ City.


Interested parties shall Register for the bidding by an expression of interest by email ([email protected]) on or before 1200hrs of 15th July 2021, Thursday. The registering party shall provide Name of the bid/Iulaan Number, full legal name and contact details in order to be registered. The Information sheet will be shared with all the Registered Parties via email.


Any clarification shall be submitted in writing by e-mail to above mail before 1200hrs of 01st August 2021, Sunday.


The bid from each bidder will be opened at sharp 1100hrs on 04th August 2021, Wednesday, in Velaanaage 7th Floor (MoFMRA), in the presence of bidders or their authorized representatives who choose to attend.

12 Jul 2021