Job Opportunity
Number: 153-FEST/IUL/2021/15
Published Date: 06 Jul 2021
Published Time: 18:21
Deadline: 12 Jul 2021 10:00
Faculty of Engineering, Science and Technology, The Maldives National University
މުޤައްރަރު އިޞްލާޙްކުރާނެ ފަރާތެއް ހޯދުމާބެހޭ

Cancelled on 06 Jul 2021 18:37


މުޤައްރަރު އިޞްލާޙްކުރާނެ ފަރާތެއް ހޯދުމާބެހޭ

މިފެކަލްޓީގައި ކުރިޔައްގެންދާ ބެޗެލަރ އޮފް އާރޓްސް އިން އިންޓީރިއަރ ކޯހުގެ މުޤައްރަރު އިންޑަސްޓްރީގެ ނީޑްސްއަށް ފެތޭ ގޮތަށް އިޞްލާޙް ކޮށްދޭނެ ފަރާތެއް ހޯދަން ކުރި އިޢުލާނަށް (153-FEST/IUL/2021/13 ، 23 ޖޫން 2021) އެކަށީގެންވާ ތަރުހީބެއް ލިބިފައި ނުވާތީ އެ އިޢުލާން ބާތިލުކޮށް އަލުން އިޢުލާން ކުރަމެވެ.

  1. ޝަރުތު: އިންޓީރިއަރ ޑިޒައިން ޑިގްރީއެއް ހާސިލްކޮށްފައި ވުމާއިއެކު ގުޅޭ ދާއިރާއަކުން މާސްޓަރސް ޑިގްރީއެއް ހާސިލްކޮށްފައިވުން
  2. މުއްދަތު: އެގްރިމެންޓް ކުރެވޭ ތާރީޚުން ފެށިގެން 4 މަސް ދުވަސް

ވީމާ، މިމަސައްކަތް ކޮށްދެއްވަން ޝައުޤުވެރިވެލައްވާ ފަރާތްތަކުން، 12 ޖުލައި 2021 ވާ ހޯމަ ދުވަހުގެ 10:00 އަށް ފެކަލްޓީ އޮފް އިންޖިނިއަރިންގ، ސައިންސް އެންޑް ޓެކްނޮލޮޖީ (ހ. ސޯސަންގެ، ޑީ.އެޗް.އެލް ކުރިމަތި) ގެ 2 ވަނަ ފަންގިފިލާގައި ހުންނަ މީޓިންގ ރޫމަށް ވަޑައިގެން އަންދާސީހިސާބު ހުށަހެޅުއްވުން އެދެމެވެ.

މިކަމާބެހޭ އިތުރު މަޢުލޫމާތު ހޯދަން ބޭނުންފުޅުވާނަމަ، މިފެކަލްޓީގެ ލެކްޗަރަރ އަލްފާޟިލް އަބްދުﷲ އަފީފް (7662206) އަށް ރަސްމީ ދުވަސް ތަކުގައި 08:00 އާއި 14:00 ދެމެދު ގުޅުއްވުން އެދެމެވެ.


  1. މި މަސައްކަތުގެ ޓީ.އޯ.ރު ނުވަތަ މައުލޫމާތު ތިރިގައި އެވަނީއެވެ.












for Bachelor of Arts in Interior Design Curriculum Upgrade


1.             Background

Faculty of Engineering, Science and Technology (FEST) of the Maldives National University (MNU) offers a 3-year undergraduate degree in Interior Design. This programme was introduced in the year 2018 and the first batch of students has already graduated in the year 2021.

At the end of the first teaching cycling and with the feedback from practicing interior architects and both fulltime and guest lecturers, FEST is looking to review and upgrade the current Interior Design programme. The outcome of this process will be an improved 3-year Interior Architecture programme that would be benched-marked with programmes of world renowned universities.

FEST is seeking the services of a consultant team to undertake the works necessary to revise and upgrade the existing 3-year undergraduate degree in Interior Design in accordance with the needs of the built environment industry & key stakeholders. The new curriculum should incorporate green building concepts, compact living, energy efficiency building practices, sustainability and other relevant approaches.



2.            Objectives of Assignment

The Objective of this consultancy is to undertake the necessary processes of identifying the needs and revise the existing 3-year undergraduate degree in Interior Design for FEST.



3.            Scope of Works

The consultants will be in constant communication with FEST and directly responsible to deliver the following outputs:

  1. Detailed identification of the Needs Assessment on the curriculum content and professional practice to upgrade the current programme/modules. It is proposed that this assessment will be done through the following:

- The development process must include adequate consultation with stakeholders from the education sector, Maldives Qualification Authority (MQA), Government Ministries and non-governmental institutions with portfolios relating to the built environment, prominent architectural/interior practitioners, interior design firms and construction firms.


-          Discussion with stakeholders on their perspectives on strengths and weaknesses of existing programmes, and desired skills and capacity gaps.

-          The identification of technical and resource gaps and training needs necessary to perform the functions of the Faculty of Engineering, Science and Technology (FEST) in delivering the 3-year undergraduate programme in Interior Architecture Program.

-          Propose a tentative revised course structure for a Interior Architecture degree.

  1. Review the existing curriculum to incorporate green building concepts, compact living and energy efficiency building practices in a way that there is logical coherence between all the related subjects such as design, building technologies, building science and culture.
  2. The upgraded Bachelor of Interior Architectural programme to be benchmarked with known international programmes enabling potential future accreditation by bodies such as the IIDA (International Interior Design Association).
  3. The existing course document for undergraduate Bachelor of Interior Design programme to be revised and redeveloped for accreditation at MNQF level 7, Bachelor’s Degree.
  4. Identify the Legal and Policy instruments in the Maldivian context relating to green building concepts, energy efficiency building practices and other relevant policies and instruments for the practice of Interior Design and integrate these across the subjects in the curricula.
  5. Identify the Concepts and Theories relevant to sustainability practices and systems (eg: green buildings, energy efficiency building practices, green-star-rating systems, etc) and find means to integrate these across the subjects in the curricula.
  6. Develop a matrix table for the exercises in the Interior Architecture program demonstrating the following:


-          How the exercises are inter-connected over the units and across the timeline of the semesters

-          How lags in one exercise as a consequence of delays in another related exercise may be minimized.

-          How the exercises cover the content on Concepts and Theories relating to sustainability, green building and energy efficiency building practices (In addition to the matrixes required by MQA for course approval).

  1. Formulate a unit/subject on Sustainable Design which may be pursued as an elective in Interior Architecture programme and any other related programmes.
  2. The unit outlines for the upgraded undergraduate course in Interior Architecture must identify details of exemplar exercises with the inclusion of marking schemes and the reading resources and equipment necessary for the unit.
  3. The unit outlines for the upgraded undergraduate course in Interior Architecture must identify weekly topics/exercises with descriptions and provide details of primary reference texts.
  4. Final Evaluation Report for the upgraded undergraduate course in Interior Architecture and must:

-          Include components to address: Quality Control; Monitoring; Valuation

-          Include list of Equipment and Resources necessary for the course

-          Highlight the process, lessons learned and options for scalability, and propose recommendations

  1. Final Evaluation Report must be compiled with all the works undertaken under the Scope of Works listed above. Upgraded program document should follow in the required MQA course document template.


4.            Deliverables



Delivery Date*

1.   Inception report with detailed methodology and work plan

0.5 month

2.   Conduct stakeholder consultation workshop

0.5 month

3.   Needs assessment report

0.5 month

4.   Draft MQA course curriculum document for Interior Architecture degree program

2 month

5.   Final Course Documents and Evaluation Report:

6.1  MQA Course curriculum document for Interior Architecture degree program

6.2 Final Evaluation Report

0.5 month

*         From the date of contract signing

**       Logistical arrangements for workshop (venue, catering and invitations) will be supported by MNU FEST.


  1. 5.            Duration of the Consultancy

Duration of the assignment is 4 calendar months upon signing the contract.


6.            Reporting Requirements

  • Consultants are expected to work closely with the FEST.
  • The consultants will report directly to Dean of FEST or any relevant person assigned by the Dean of FEST.
  • A key member of the Consultant team is required to physically attend a minimum of 5 meetings;


-                    Prior to deliverable 2 - With a draft plan of how the stakeholder consultation workshop will be conducted

-                    After deliverable 2 - With a draft of the need assessment report to discuss its content

-                    With deliverable 4 - Draft MQA course curriculum document for degree program to discuss its contents

-                    After Draft of Final Evaluation Report to discuss its contents

-                    With deliverable 6 -  With Final Course Documents and Evaluation Report Draft



  • Expenses of travel and accommodation etc. will have to be borne by the consultants.
    • For meetings held under this consultancy, the Minutes of Meeting must be provided to FEST within 2 days of the meetings.


06 Jul 2021