Public Information
Number: IAS/MIS/2021-766
Published Date: 13 Jun 2021
Published Time: 15:48
Deadline: 17 Jun 2021 14:00
Island Aviation Services Limited
IASL Seaplane Terminal Quay Wall Revetment

Ref no: IAS/MIS/2021-766

IAS/MIS/2021-680 announcement was cancelled due to the limited number of parties attended.

Thus, we hereby invite all Local Parties for the below requirement.

Island Aviation Services Ltd.  Has a requirement to repair and lay additional revetment at Seaplane Terminal Quay wall.

Thus, interested parties are required to send an email to [email protected] / [email protected] showing interest before 17th June 2021 14:00 HRS.

Note that email should mention to the reference no./ iulaan no. provided.

Please refer to RFP and Scope of Work for further details regarding this project. Scope of work is attached along with the announcement.

For further queries, please email to [email protected] /  [email protected] or call to 3024763 / 3331253.

13 Jun 2021