Public Information
Number: IAS/MIS/2021-681
Published Date: 19 May 2021
Published Time: 15:48
Deadline: 25 May 2021 14:00
Island Aviation Services Limited
Renovation works at IASL Engineering Main Hanger at Velana International Airport

Ref no: IAS/MIS/2021-681

Island Aviation Services Ltd.  Has a requirement for Renovation works at Engineering Main Hanger at Velana International Airport. Renovation works is inclusive of Partitions works, Metal Works, Electrical & Wiring Works and Sealing and Repair.

Thus, interested parties are required to send an email to [email protected] / [email protected] showing interest before 25th May 2021 14:00 HRS. Note that email should mention to the reference no./ iulaan no. provided.

Please refer to Scope of Work for further details regarding this project. Scope of work is attached along with the announcement.


For further queries, please email to [email protected] /  [email protected] or call to 3024763 / 3331253.

19 May 2021