Number: (IUL)220-AS/1/2021/32
Published Date: 15 Mar 2021
Published Time: 14:53
Deadline: 23 Mar 2021 13:00
Maldives Inland Revenue Authority
Supply of Transfer Pricing Database License - Extension




We refer to our announcement number (IUL)220-AS/1/2021/20 dated 08 March 2021, seeking interested parties to provide a Transfer Pricing Database License for a period of One Year.


After addressing the concerns raised by interested bidding parties, it has been decided that the bid submission date for the referred announcement shall be extended as stated below.


As such, MIRA invites interested parties to submit proposals to provide this database licence on the below date.







23 March 2021

Bid Submission



The bids are to be prepared in accordance with the information sheet attached to this announcement and are to be submitted in a sealed envelope on the aforementioned date, to our address below.


Maldives Inland Revenue Authority,

Ameenee Magu, (2nd Floor),

Male’ 20379,


For further information please call +960 3020478 or +960 3339513



15 Mar 2021