Public Information
Number: (IUL)438-ED/438/2020/259
Published Date: 23 Dec 2020
Published Time: 14:38
Deadline: 21 Jan 2021 21:00
Ministry of Environment
JCM Validation and Verification for JFJCM Project under the Preparing Outer Islands for Sustainable Energy Development (POISED) Project



The Government of the Republic of Maldives has received financing from Asian Development Bank (ADB) and multiple other donors toward the cost of Preparing Outer Islands for Sustainable Energy Development (POISED) Project and intends to apply part of this financing for the services of JCM Validation and Verification for JFJCM Project under the Preparing Outer Islands for Sustainable Energy Development (POISED) Project.

The main objective of this assignment is to (i) conduct validation of the proposed JCM project and provide a validation report and (ii) conduct verification of the monitored greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reductions and provide a verification report to the Project Director of the PMU in accordance with the Joint Crediting Mechanism Guidelines for Validation and Verification (the Guidelines).

The Ministry of Environment (“the Employer”) invites eligible firms to indicate their interest in providing the services. Interested firms must provide specific information which demonstrates that they are fully qualified to perform the services (background of the firm’s technical expertise, description of any similar assignments undertaken, experience in similar conditions, availability of appropriate skills among staff, value of those services etc.).

A firm will be selected in accordance with the Consultants’ Qualifications Selection (CQS) method set out in the “Procurement Regulations for ADB Borrowers (2017)”.

A more detailed Terms of Reference (TOR) for the consultancy services will be available on the Ministry’s website Interested firms may obtain further information by writing to the address below.


Mr. Ahmed Ali

Project Manager

Preparing Outer Islands for Sustainable Energy Development (POISED)

Ministry of Environment

Green Building, Handhuvaree Hingun, Maafannu

Male’, 20392, Republic of Maldives

Tel: (960) 7783223
E-Mail: [email protected]

Copy: [email protected]

Interested Consultancy Firms/Institutions shall submit their EOI online at ADB Consultant Management System (CMS) - Consulting Services Recruitment Notices (CSRN) website ( in accordance with the instructions contained therein. All other forms of submission including hard copy will not be considered for evaluation. The deadline for the submission of the EOIs is on 2100 hours Maldivian Time on January 21, 2021.

23 Dec 2020