Number: (IUL)101-AS/1/2020/213
Published Date: 29 Nov 2020
Published Time: 14:42
Deadline: 27 Dec 2020 11:00
Ministry of Economic Development
REQUEST FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST Consultancy for Development of Pension Strategy Study under Maldives COVID-19 Emergency Income Support Project

Project: COVID-19 Emergency Income Support
Project No: P174014



Consultancy for Development of Pension Strategy Study under Maldives COVID-19 Emergency Income Support Project

The Government of the Republic of Maldives has received financing from the World Bank toward the cost of the Maldives COVID-19 Emergency Income Support Project, and it intends to apply part of the proceeds for consultancy services for preparation of a pension strategy study for Maldives,  under Maldives COVID-19 Emergency Income Support Project.


To be eligible for the position, the individual is expected to demonstrate the following:

The required consultant will be seasoned in public pension policy and implementation as well as providing more specialized expertise in specific areas. The consultant should have the following qualifications:

-          At least 10 years' experience working with the design and implementation of public pension and social security systems;

-          Demonstrated experience assessing and modelling the sustainability, adequacy and welfare impact of pensions and elderly assistance; and

-          Experience working in developing countries with large informal sector populations.


The consultant will also be expected to demonstrate experience advising on the following areas:

-          Supervision of pension or social insurance compliance and collection, including linkages with tax authorities;

-          Pension or social insurance contributor coverage, ideally in a developing country context;

-          Public pension governance and investment management; and

-          Options for payouts of the defined contribution scheme, including scheduled withdrawals.


The Ministry of Economic Development now invites selected individual consultants to submit their “Expression of Interest” (EOI) for providing the services. Interested individual consultants should provide information demonstrating that they have the required qualifications and relevant experience to perform the services along with the following documents:


  • Updated CV
  • Details of relevant experience with regard to the assignment (with supporting docs)
  • ID card / Passport copy


Locals are encouraged to submit their “Expression of Interest” (EOI) for providing the service. The TOR for the consulting services is attached with this REOI.

The attention of interested consulting individual is drawn to paragraphs 3.14, 3.16, 3.17 and 3.18 of the World Bank Procurement Regulations for Borrowers under Investment Project Financing, dated July 1, 2016, setting forth the World Bank’s policy on conflict of interest.

A Consultant will be selected in accordance with the Individual Consultant method set out in the Procurement Regulations for Borrowers under Investment Project Financing, dated July 1, 2016. 

Expressions of interest must be delivered by email by 1100 hrs. Maldivian time on Sunday, December 27th, 2020.


Mr. Thaasyn Hilmy

Procurement Specialist
Maldives COVID-19 Emergency Income Support Project
Ministry of Economic Development
Boduthakurufaanu Magu, Malé, Maldives
Email:  [email protected]


25 November 2020

29 Nov 2020