Public Information
Number: (IUL)438-ENV/438/2019/248
Published Date: 16 Sep 2019
Published Time: 15:03
Deadline: 23 Sep 2019 12:00
Ministry of Environment
Request for Proposals

Proof Reader / Editor (individual) for finalizing the Sixth National Report of Maldives to the UN Convention on Biological Diversity

The Ministry of Environment has received financial assistance from Global Environment Facility (GEF) administered by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) towards preparation and finalization of the Sixth National Report of Maldives to the UN Convention on Biological Diversity. We are seeking an individual to proof read and edit the draft report.    

The Ministry of Environment now invites interested eligible individuals to submit their CV, including information that demonstrates their qualification to perform the services (description of similar assignments and experience in similar conditions, familiarity with appropriate skills, etc).


Interested individuals may acquire further information from the attached TOR.


The expressions of interest must be submitted to the address below  no later than 1200 hours on 23rd September 2019.


Procurement Unit

Ministry of Environment

Contact number:  3018356

Fax number: 3018301

Green Building, Handhuvaree Hingun, Maafannu

Male’, 20392, Republic of Maldives

16 Sep 2019