Public Information
Number: (IUL)438-ENV/438/2019/203
Published Date: 04 Aug 2019
Published Time: 15:11
Deadline: 19 Aug 2019 12:00
Ministry of Environment
Recruitment of a National Consultant to prepare an analysis report and strategy for effective implementation of the Kigali Amendment and for drafting legal and policy instruments to integrate the Kigali Amendment for HFC Phase-down in the Maldives; and development of biosafety and access and benefit sharing legal framework.



Recruitment of a National Consultant to prepare an analysis report and strategy for effective implementation of the Kigali Amendment and for drafting legal and policy instruments to integrate the Kigali Amendment for HFC Phase-down in the Maldives; and development of biosafety and access and benefit sharing legal framework.                                                                        

The Ministry of Environment is seeking an individual for a period of 12 months to provide consultancy service for the preparation of an analysis report and strategy for effective implementation of the Kigali Amendment and for drafting legal and policy instruments to integrate the Kigali Amendment for HFC Phase-down in the Maldives; and development of biosafety and access and benefit sharing legal framework.

Interested consultants must provide information that demonstrates ability to perform the services detailed in the Terms of Reference.


Preparation of an analysis report and strategy for effective implementation of the Kigali Amendment and for drafting legal and policy instruments to integrate the Kigali Amendment for HFC Phase-down in the Maldives

Scope of work under the contract includes developing a policy overview to analyse the readiness, draw the practical linkages with policy areas to identify the gaps, and provide recommendations for better policy linkages and coordination for the implementation of Kigali Amendment in the Maldives with the key components including, but not limited to:

(i)            develop a policy overview to analyse the readiness, draw the practical linkages with policy areas to identify the gaps, and provide recommendations for better policy linkages and coordination  for the implementation of Kigali Amendment in the Maldives,

(ii)          develop a complete and stakeholders endorsed draft of the required policy instruments in relation to the Kigali Amendment implementation and

(iii)         develop the Amended Ozone Layer Protection Act in the Maldives.

Development of the Biosafety and Access and Benefit Sharing (ABS) legal framework

The legal expert will provide the service of preparation of the legislative framework and capacity needs assessment with stakeholder consultations under the guidance of Environment Department. Scope of work includes but is not limited to:

(iv)         Literature Review on Biosafety and critical analysis of the present legislations related to Biosafety

(v)          Literature Review on Access and Benefit Sharing (ABS) and critical analysis of the present legislations related to ABS

(vi)         Carrying out a Capacity Needs Assessment for the relevant organizations and analysis on strengthening institutional capacity regarding biosafety and ABS

(vii)        Preparation of the draft legislation for Biosafety and ABS 

(viii)       Conduct consultation workshops to discuss the draft legislations and bilateral stakeholder meetings

(ix)         Preparation of revised draft legislations and organization of a consultative workshops to review it.

(x)          Finalizing the draft legislation on Biosafety

(xi)         Finalizing the draft legislation on ABS

(xii)        Translate the draft legislations to English

Interested consultants may obtain additional information and Terms of Reference from

Proposal Opening

Proposals shall be delivered to the Ministry of Environment, on or before 1200 hours, Maldivian time on 19 August, 2019 at which time they will be opened in the presence of the individuals who submitted the proposals and wish to attend the proposal opening. Late proposals will be rejected.

Proposals must be addressed as below

Procurement Section                                                                                              

Ministry of Environment

Green Building, Handhuvaree Hingun, Maafannu

Male’, 20392, Republic of Maldives

Email: [email protected]


Project name: “National Consultant to prepare an analysis report and strategy for effective implementation of the Kigali Amendment and for drafting legal and policy instruments to integrate the Kigali Amendment for HFC Phase-down in the Maldives; and development of biosafety and access and benefit sharing legal framework”

04 Aug 2019