Number: FNK-I/IUL/2019/106
Published Date: 18 Jun 2019
Published Time: 23:11
Deadline: 26 Jun 2019 11:00
Fenaka Corporation Limited
Regarding Our Reference Number: FNK-I/IUL/2019/101 (Procurement of 02 Megawatt 02 Generator Sets)





Regarding Our Reference Number:  FNK-I/IUL/2019/101 (Procurement of 02 Megawatt 02 Generator Sets)


The bid Submission date of the tender for procurement of 02 Megawatt 02 Generator Sets has been extended.

The new bid Submission date is 26th June 2019, Wednesday 11:00am (Male’ time).

All bids will be opened at the meeting room of Fenaka Corporation Head Office (7th Floor, Ports Complex Building), in the presence of the bidders. Please note that the bids received after the stated time and through e-mail will not be accepted.


18th June 2019

18 Jun 2019