Ministry of National Planing and Infrastructure
REQUEST FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST (EOI) - Consultancy Services for conducting detailed investigations and Design development for Coastal Protection at S.Meedhoo and S.Hithadhoo, Addu Atoll, Maldives


Consultancy Services for conducting detailed investigations and Design development for Coastal Protection at S.Meedhoo and S.Hithadhoo, Addu Atoll, Maldives

  1. The Government of the Republic of Maldives has allocated funds for the development and intends to apply part of the proceeds for the following services; Consultancy Services for conducting detailed investigations and Design development for Coastal Protection at S.Meedhoo and S.Hithadhoo, Addu Atoll, Maldives”
  2.  The services include undertaking literature review on the existing environment of S.Meedhoo and S.Hithadhoo, long term environmental, bathymetrical and hydrological (including but not limited to waves and currents) survey, data collection relevant to the assignment, feasibility study, develop concept engineering designs, design report, drawings, BOQ, specifications, EIA and etc. for the coastal protection options of the two islands.
  3.  The detailed Terms of Reference (TOR) for the assignment will be available on the Ministry’s website ( starting from 8th April 2019, interested firms may obtain further information by writing to the address below.
  4.  Ministry of National Planning and Infrastructure (MNPI) now invites eligible consulting firms (“Consultants”) to indicate their interest in providing the services. Interested parties must provide information indicating that they are qualified to perform the services (Company profile, Organizational structure, brochures, description of similar assignments, experience in similar conditions, availability of appropriate skills among staff, etc.). The EOI would be reviewed on the followings to prepare a short list:

                                                 i. Age of the consultancy firm in business

                                                ii. Availability of the key professionals

                                               iii. Availability of resources

                                               iv. Experience of the Consultancy Firm in similar tasks

       Key Experts will not be evaluated at the shortlisting stage.

       5. The Employer will prepare a short list of consultancy firms based on the EOI’s and detailed RFP will be released to the shortlisted firms.

       6. Further information can be obtained at the address below during office hours from 4th April 2019 to 24th April 2019 between 0830hrs and 1400hrs.

       7. The Expression of Interest (EOI) must be delivered to the address below (in person, or by mail, or by e-mail), no later than 1300 hours Maldivian time on April 25, 2019.

                  Ms. Fathimath Shaana Farooq

                 Director General

                 Ministry of National Planning and Infrastructure

                 Ameenee Magu, Male’

                 Republic of Maldives

                 Tel:  (960)3004300, (960)3004388    

                 E-mail: [email protected]

03 April 2019