Ministry of Environment and Energy
Gender Specialist - Support vulnerable communities in Maldives to manage climate change-induced water shortages Project

Support vulnerable communities in Maldives to manage climate change-induced water shortages Project

Request for Expressions of Interest


Gender Specialist – Individual National Consultant

The Government of the Republic of Maldives through the Ministry of Environment and Energy is implementing ‘Supporting Vulnerable Communities in Maldives to Manage Climate Change-induced Water Shortages’ project financed by the Green Climate Fund (GCF) and intends to apply part of the proceedings for the services of a Gender Specialist consultant.

The main objective of the consultancy is to review and update the gender action plan and support capacity development to ensure gender is mainstreamed in project implementation.


To be eligible for the position the individual is expected to demonstrate the following:

  1. Bachelor’s degree in Social Science or Education or related discipline;
  2. Experience in the area of gender related works (minimum 2 assignments);
  3. Experience with gender plans for donor funded projects will be an added advantage.
  4. The successful candidate must be willing to travel to project islands to conduct training and workshops.
  5. Candidates should not be currently engaged in more than two assignments of more than one year duration with the Ministry of Energy and Environment.


Duration of work is for 90 and the assignment is expected to commence on Sep 2018. Please refer to Terms of Reference (TOR) made available on the ministry’s website for more details on assignment duration and remuneration.




Required Documents for submitting proposals

The following documents shall be submitted with the application for this consultancy:

  1. Letter of Expression of Interest (EOI)
  2. CV of the applicant (in format provided ANNEX B)
  3. Copy of identification (National Identity Card or Passport Copy)
  4. Copies of Educational Certificates (copies taken from accredited original certificates)
  5. Financial Proposal (All fees inclusive of tax should be included) as in the FORMAT provided in the ANNEX A (all prices must be in MVR).


Registration and Clarifications


  1. The Bidder shall be registered to submit a bid upon submission of the attached bidders registration form to the email address [email protected] not later than 1200 hours on August 14th, 2018. Unregistered parties will not be able to participate in the bid.
  2. Any clarifications to the bid may be sent to  the email addresses [email protected] on or before 1400 hours on August 14th, 2018



Deadline to Submit Proposals

Interested individuals who have registered may submit their proposals on or before 1200hrs 27th of August 2018, to the following address in a sealed envelope. Proposals will be opened at 1200hrs 27th of August 2018 in a meeting room of the Ministry of Environment and Energy in front of bidders who wish to participate in the meeting

Interested individuals may obtain an outline Terms of Reference attached to this gazette advertisement or from and acquire further information on request by writing to the email address [email protected] or by phone to +960-3018446


GCF Program Management Unit,

Water and Sanitation Department,

Ministry of Environment and Energy

Green Building, Handhuvaree Hingun,

Maafannu, Male’, 20392,

     Republic of Maldives.

     Contact Number: +960-3018446/389

     Fax: +960-3018-301

07 August 2018