Fenaka Corporation Limited
Procurement of Cables


Ref No: FNK-I/IUL/2018/044


Procurement of Cables


Fenaka Corporation Limited requests quotation from interested local and foreign companies for cables in accordance to the information below herewith.






4C X 150sqmm CU/XLPE/PVC/SWA/PVC/600/1000V




Quotation shall indicate the following;


a)      Price

  • Please quote your door-step delivery value to Fenaka Corporation Head Office, for all items mentioned above.
  • Quotation shall indicate the unit price, total price for each item and total price of the quotation. The quotation should separately indicate additional charges such as freight charges, taxes, etc.


b)      Delivery Period

  • The completion period shall be stated in ‘days’.
  • If the delivery period indicates ‘ex-stock’, or if the duration is not specified, the delivery period shall be taken same as the party offering the longest delivery period.


c)      Credit Period

  • The credit period shall be stated in ‘days’.
  • A maximum of 15% of the entire project can be provided as advance payment.


d)     Technical Specifications

  • All the technical information such as the brand shall be given to enable technical evaluation of the proposal.
  • The quoted brand of cables must be approved by Maldives Energy Authority (MEA).
  • The awarded vendor must provide a sample to Fenaka Corporation upon signing the agreement.


e)      Quotation validity should be a minimum of 60 days from the date of quotation opening.


Evaluation Criteria

  • Proposal Cost: 60 points for the price
    • (Lowest price / proposed price) x 60
  • Delivery: 35 points for the minimum days to deliver the items
    • (Lowest delivery period / proposed delivery period) x 35
  • Credit Period: 05 points for the minimum days to deliver the items
    • (Proposed credit period / longest credit period) x 05


Required Documents

  • Quotation (inclusive of the delivery period and credit period)
  • Company Details
    • Company profile
    • Company registration certificate
    • GST registration certificate (for local bidders only)
    • TAX clearance report (for local bidders only)
    • Contact details (name of the person in charge of the project, company address, contact number, e-mail address)

Note: Bids lacking the above documents are subjected to fail in the bid evaluation process. It is in Fenaka Corporation Limited’s discretion to reject/cancel any quotation which does not fulfil or comply the above terms


Please submit your proposals by 10th April 2018 (Tuesday) 12:00 noon addressed to;

            Fenaka Corporation Limited

            Port Complex Building, 7th Floor

            Hilaalee Magu, Maafannu

            K. Male’, Republic of Maldives

            Reference No: FNK-I/IUL/2018/044


The bids will be opened on 10th April 2018 (Tuesday) 12:00 noon, at Fenaka Corporation 7th floor meeting room, in the presence of the bidders. The bids received via email and bids received after the stated time will not be accepted. All bids submitted to Fenaka Corporation prior to the bid opening time must be properly enclosed, sealed and stamped. The proposal and the envelope must bear the reference number of the tender. Fenaka Corporation will not be liable for the misplacement or premature opening of unlabelled sealed proposals.


If you require further information, please contact us at [email protected]


05th April 2018

05 April 2018