Maldives Post Limited
Mail Management Software Development


Ref No: ADMHR-MPL/2017/137




Subject:  Mail Management Software Development

Maldives Post is looking for a Candidate/party to develop a Mail Management Software, in accordance with the specification below:

Information to develop the software


The Mail Management System to be developed will mainly focus on computerizing the following but not limited to these components: 

       1. Mail Processing: this will include all the functions of delivering all the incoming mails and shipping all the outgoing mails.  

  •      Receiving Mail Bags 
  •      Dispatching Mail Bags 
  •      Package Data Entry 
  •      Sorting 
  •      Parcel Rooms 
  •      Add parcels to parcel rooms and returning them 
  •      Duration and Charges for packages 
  •      Subscriptions 


       2. Counter Services: the system will require all counter services to be processed electronically. It includes services such as postage, bill payments and money transfer. 

  • Postage 
  • Parcel releasing 
  • Bill payments 
  • Shop items 
  • Stamps 
  • Domestic Money Order 


      3. Reporting: The reporting module will provide operational and business intelligence reports from the system. It will be used by the operational staffs for operational purposes as well as by the executive level staffs to make important decisions. 

      4. CN and CP forms: Generate all the CN and CP forms related to operations and reporting. Important areas includes: 

            a. Counters 

            b. International Dispatch 

            c. Arrival of International Mail


            e. Reporting

       5. Documentation: The system should be well documented and all the credentials should be provided upon completion of the project.

  • Source Code
  • Architecture/Design documentation  
    • Database schemas  
    • Code structure and design  
    • Frameworks  
    • APIs

Technical Documentation

  • APIs
  • Inline Comments
  • Readme
  • Setup documents

User Documentation  

  • Training/Tutorial documents  
  • All user credentials


5. Bids should be sent in closed envelopes to the Address below:

Maldives Post Limited

H.Two Star

Boduthakurufaan Magu,

Male’20026 , Republic of Maldives.

Bids from foreign countries should be sent via international couriers. Hence local bids can be submitted directly to the address above in closed envelopes.

Parties who require more information, please contact to the following email: ([email protected]).

6 Bid Submission Date: Before 10th September 2017

7      Bid criteria

• Related work experience: 50%

• Price 25%

• Duration 25%





15 August 2017