Maldives Inland Revenue Authority
Changes to Green Tax Information Sheet




Reference Number:  220-TSS/CIR/2017/8

Date:                           13 March 2017

To:                              Persons registered for Green Tax

Subject:                      Changes to Green Tax Information Sheet


Please be informed that the format of the Green Tax Information Sheet referred to in section 13 of the Green Tax Regulation (Regulation Number 2015/R-181) has been changed as per Annex 1 of this circular. The template is also available on our website:

All persons registered for Green Tax are required to file version 17.1 of the Green Tax Information Sheet for periods beginning on or after 1 March 2017. You are requested to take note of the following in relation to the revised Information Sheet:

  1. You are no longer required to specify the age of the guests.
  2. You are now required to specify the booking method used by each guest. MIRAconnect portal will accept only the following parameters for the newly added Booking Method column of the Information Sheet:
  • “Foreign tour operator”
  • “Local tour operator”
  • “Direct booking”
  • “FIT”
  • “Online travel agent” or “OTA”


Should you have any queries, please call 1415 or email us at [email protected].




13 March 2017