Ministry of Housing and Infrastructure
PMC King Salman Mosque_ Time Extension

Project Management Consultant for King Salman Mosque Project

Reference is made to the advertisement number (IUL) 138-PIS2/138/2016/138 gazette on 07th September 2016.

Please be informed that the proposal submission date is now extended to 13th October 2016 at 1400 hours local time. The Proposal must be delivered to the address below by regular mail, emails or fax to the address mentioned below.

A more detailed Request for Proposal (RFP) for the consultancy services will be available on the Ministry’s website . Interested firms may obtain further information by writing to the address below. 

Mr. Mohamed Mahid Shareef

Permanent Secretary

Ministry of Housing & Infrastructure,

Ameenee Magu,

Male’ 20329, Republic of Maldives

Tel:  960 3004300

Fax:  960 3004301 E-mail: [email protected]


04 October 2016