Auditor Generals Office
Invitation for Bids

Invitation for Bids

The Auditor General's Office (AGO) of the Republic of Maldives is looking for qualified trainers to provide the following trainings to our staff:

  1. Life Skills Training
  2. Leadership Training

Interested parties are requested to attend the Auditor General’s Office for the pre-bid meeting on 17th September 2015, Thursday at 14:00 Hrs.  Bids are to be delivered to the Auditor General’s Office on 1st October 2015, Thursday at 14:00 Hrs for the bid opening. Attendance or Submission after 14:00 Hrs for the bid opening is not accepted and will not be allowed to the meeting.  

Please visit the following link on our website for details regarding the training and the bid:

10 September 2015