Ministry of Social and Family Development
Accounts Officer

  1. Vacancy in Ministry of Social Family Development

    Accounts Officer

    A.  Objective and Purpose of Assignment


The Ministry of Social Family Development (MSFD) is seeking to hire individual to assist the technical team at Project implementation Unit (PMU) of the Ministry in successful implementation of projects and programs implemented by the department. The objective of the services is to strengthen the Financial Management capacity of the PMU and the PIU established in MSFD and MNPHI respectively to implement the ADB financed project.

B. Scope of Work

The objective of the services is to strengthen the Financial Management capacity of the PMU and the PIU established in MSFD and MNPHI respectively to implement the ADB financed project to ensure:

(i)     All project funds are used for the intended purpose and with due attention to considerations of economy and efficiency;

(ii)    Full compliance with ADB’s financial management requirements, with regards to accounting, financial reporting, audit as well as disbursement requirements as outlined in the legal agreements and in the Project Administration Manual (PAM); and,

(iii)    Withdrawal applications are prepared in accordance with ADB disbursement handbook and submitted to ADB on a timely basis.


The main tasks related to the position shall include but not limited to:

(i)     Support the MSFD/PMU and MNPHI/PIU in implementing the Financial Management Action Plan (FMAP) as agreed with ADB and outlined in the Project Administration Manual;

(ii)    Support the MSFD/PMU and MNPHI/PIU maintaining separate accounts for the project and that receipts and payments are duly segregated by financing source (e.g., ADB and government funding);

(iii)    Support MSFD/PMU in improving the financial management systems including setting up a standalone accounting software and an efficient chart of accounts and automating the financial reporting;

(iv)    Support MSFD/PMU and MNPHI/PIU in conducting periodic analysis of: (i) the execution of the procurement and disbursement projections as outlined in the PAM and (ii) the approved budget and actual expenditures by expenditure category and output. Analyze and document any significant variations;

(v)    Assist MSFD/PMU in preparing withdrawal applications and the collection and filing of all supporting documentation in accordance with the relevant procedures outlined in the ADB disbursement handbook; 

(vi)    Support MSFD/PMU in conducting quarterly reconciliation of the project disbursement records and ADB’s disbursement data to ensure the accuracy and completeness of project records and financial reports/statements. This may entail closely following-up on any discrepancies to ensure they are resolved quickly; 

(vii)   Assist MSFD/PMU in preparing financial information and analysis to be included in the quarterly progress reports in an agreed format to be submitted to ADB;

(viii)   Assist the MSFD/PMU in preparing consolidated project financial statements annually covering all activities financed under all funding sources (e.g., ADB and government funding) in a format agreed with ADB;

(ix)    Support MSFD/PMU in ensuring that the consolidated project financial statements are audited, that the audit report follows ADB’s requirements, and that the Audit report, the audited project financial statements and the management letter(s) are submitted to ADB in a timely manner; 

(x)    Support MSFD/PMU and MNPHI/PIU in the follow-up of (internal and) external audit observations and recommendations to further improve the internal controls of the project;

(xi)    Support MSFD/PMU in ensuring that all financial records are orderly filed and stored physically safe location and an electronic back up is conducted regularly; and

(xiii)  Assist MSFD/PMU and MNPHI/PIU in other tasks as assigned by the PMU Project Director or equivalent


C. Duration and Commencement of Services

Successful candidates will be contracted for a period of 1 (one) year, with potential renewal of contract based on performance and organizational need, the duration of which will be negotiated with the individual but shall not exceed 2 (two) years in total. Expected commencement of services is January 2024.

D. Qualifications and Experience

(i)         Bachelor’s Degree in relevant field and/or a recognized professional accountancy qualification (e.g., CPA, CA or equivalent) or equivalent in related fields

(ii)        5-10 years of experience in financial management of investment projects. Experience in similar capacity and sound knowledge of ADB or World bank procedures/policies and working on externally funded infrastructure projects shall have added advantage.

(iii)       Suitability to undertake the responsibilities mentioned below at the required level;

(iv)       Sound communication skills in English (in both writing and speaking),

(v)        Fast learner, independent and self-motivated

E. Reporting Requirement

(i)   Report directly to the Project Director of the Ministry.

(ii)  The Accounts Officer should report to work to Ministry from 8am – 2pm daily, other than public holidays.

(iii) All project funds are used for the intended purpose and with due attention to considerations of economy and efficiency;

(iv) Full compliance with ADB’s financial management requirements, with regards to accounting, financial reporting, audit as well as disbursement requirements as outlined in the legal agreements and in the Project Administration Manual (PAM); and,

(v)  Withdrawal applications are prepared in accordance with ADB disbursement handbook and submitted to ADB on a timely basis. 


F. Remuneration and Leave details

Successful candidate will be paid a fixed monthly fee depending on qualification and experience ranging from MVR16380 (Salary 8500/- and Allowances 7880/-) (salary will be set based on pay commission circular no.:        13/NPC/CIR/2018/5). In addition, any fees payable to the individual for duty travel assignments, Ramadan allowance shall be compensated at the government prevailing rates. Fixed monthly fee shall be subject to deduction for pension and any other statutory requirement as may be applicable. Leave entitlement shall be as follows;

(i)   Annual Leave: The Accounts officer may take up to thirty (30) working days leave per calendar year.

(ii)  Sick Leave: The Accounts officer may take Thirty (30) days of paid sick leave. The Consultant is not allowed to take sick leave for more than two consecutive days unless a medical certificate specifying the nature of the illness and recommended duration of sick leave issued by a licensed medical practitioner is submitted on the first day back at work.

(iii) Family Responsibility Leave: The Accounts officer may take Ten (10) days of paid leave in a year to attend important obligations such as tending family members during illness.

(iv) Unpaid Leave: The Accounts officer will not be paid for leave(s) that exceed the maximum allowed and the Client may terminate the contract if the unpaid leave exceeds more than thirty (30) working days.


G. Application instructions

The Ministry of Social and Family Development now invite interested individuals qualified for the assignments to submit Expression of Interest inclusive of the following documentation to demonstrate your eligibility for the assignment.

 1. Cover Letter for Expression of Interest.

 2. CV including information that demonstrates that the candidate is qualified to undertake the scope of work.

 3. Work experience documentation. (Description of similar assignments, and experiences in similar field of work).

 4. Copies of attested academic qualifications

 5. Reference letters from current and/or previous employers.

Candidates interested in applying, please email your CV along with other relevant documents to [email protected]  before 31 December 2023 13:30. For more information please call +960 3027551

25 December 2023