State Electric Company Limited

Ref No: H/IUL/2023/163

Date: 06th July 2023


Background and Objectives

State Electric Company Limited invites local and foreign companies to express their interest in constructing the proposed 14 Storey Building. The project aims to provide a modern, sustainable, and functional commercial building that meets the needs of State Electric Company Limited (STELCO).

The primary objectives of the project are:

a)      To construct a 14 Storey building according to the concept provided by STELCO, that meets the requirements of the clients, stakeholders, and regulatory authorities.

b)      To ensure that the building is designed and constructed sustainably and environmentally friendly.

c)      To ensure that the building is safe and secure for the occupants.

d)      To complete and handover the project within 02 years.

Location of the plot


Project Scope of work

The scope of work for the 14 Storey building project includes, but is not limited to:

a)      Site Preparation: Demolition, Site clearance, excavation, and de-watering.

b)      Using proper method of foundation protection of adjacent building and roads.

c)      Construction:

-          Construct the building according to the approved plans and specifications, including all necessary structural, mechanical, plumbing, CCTV and networking, electrical and firefighting systems.

-          All utility services costs are to be borne by the contractor.

-          Ensure compliance with all relevant building codes and regulations.

-          Implement appropriate safety measures to ensure the safety of workers and the public.

d)      Quality control and assurance: Monitored by STELCO.

e)      Safety and Site security: should be ensured by the contractor.

f)       Project management: To be provided in detail by the contractor.

g)      Deliverables: Detailed drawings, method of work, work schedule and payment schedule, etc.

h)      Contractors Yard:

Contractors yards and contractors' temporary facilities, plant, and machinery vehicles are to be managed by the contractor. No temporary land will be allocated, and the contractor is to manage the material, equipment, and other storage & handling requirements within the project site or seek other options. All necessary logistics, & safe transportation of materials to the site shall be part of the contractor's scope.

Design and approvals:

Building the detailed design of the proposed 14 Storey Building is the contractors' responsibility. However, concept design and required support to acquire approvals from government authorities will be provided by STELCO.

Type of contract and Agreement:

Design, build, contractors finance and handover.

Time for completion:

02 Years


Contractors finance, if the contractor cannot make a successful methodology, the contractor needs to ensure financing either through equity or debt.

Defects notification and liability period:

01 Year

Pre-qualification requirements:

Interested and competent contractors wishing to carry out the above project must submit the following documents with the Expression of Interest under Contractor Finance.

Documents to be submitted:

a)      Evidence of company registration 

b)     Comprehensive company profile (Including the proposed management team and organizational chart).

c)      Letter of similar work experience (Experience can be counted even if one party from a joint venture has the experience)  

d)     Selected parties from the evaluation shall be required to provide proof of funding for the successful execution of the project. 

e)      National Contractors Registry (GC01 and GC02 (grade 1 & 2)) will be eligible to participate in this EOI). Note: Foreign companies are not required to submit National Contractors Registry 

f)       Audited financial statements of 2021, 2020 and 2019  

g)      Proposed method statement for the execution of the project 

Evaluation of Expression of Interest (EOI)

A list of firms suspended from participating in Government funded projects is available at

The individuals or firms in a JV shall be jointly liable of any matter for all obligation under this contract and shall designate one of the JV by power of attorney to incur liabilities and accept instructions on behalf the JV.

The following grades of contractors registered under National Contractors Registry will be eligible to participate in this EOI:


GC01 and GC02 (grade 1 & 2)

(Applicable for local parties only)


The companies shall submit the following additional documents in their EOI:

  1.       Power of Attorney to confirm authorization of the signatory of the EOI to commit.
  2.       Business Registration Certificate.
  3.       GST Registration Certificate and Tax Clearance Report (If applicable).

                  International foreign companies who are already engaged in any work in Maldives, or have re-registered their entity in the Maldives, or have incorporated a company in Maldives shall be eligible to pay local taxes under tax regulations of the Maldives. For more information please visit: 

        4.      National Contractors Registry Certificate (If applicable).







Single Entity

Joint Venture, Consortium or Association

All partners combined

Each partner

At least one partner

Conflict of Interest

No conflicts of interests

Must meet requirement

Existing or intended JV must meet requirement



Government Suspension

Not having been suspended from participation in public procurement by the Government

Must meet requirement

N / A

Must meet requirement

N / A



Historical Contract Non-Performance, Pending Litigation





Single Entity

Joint Venture, Consortium or Association

All partners combined

Each partner

At least one partner

Pending Litigation

All pending litigation and arbitration, if any, shall be treated as resolved against the Bidder and so shall in total not represent more than 50% percent of the Bidder’s net worth calculated as the difference between total assets and total liabilities.


Must meet requirement


Must meet requirement


Must meet requirement


Must meet requirement

[1] This requirement also applies to contracts executed by the Company as JV member.


Financial Situation





Single Entity

Joint Venture, Consortium or Association

All partners combined

Each partner

At least one partner

Historical Financial Performance

Submission of audited financial statements of 2021, 2020 and 2019 (not only balance sheet) (may include direct subsidiary or reregistered companies)


Must meet requirement


Must meet requirement


The Total Turnover


The Total Turnover

 (may include direct subsidiary or reregistered companies) should be at-least value of MVR 500 million from the last 5 years audited financial report

Must meet requirement

Must meet requirement



Financial Resources


The company’s bank statement in previous years (may include direct subsidiary or reregistered companies) should be at-least MVR 308 million to prove that it has sufficient funds to carry out this project

Must meet requirement

Must meet requirement



1 Financial resources such as Line of Credits specified shall be sought from Financial Institutions. All financing facilities sought for other than this specific project, shall be presented along with a written confirmation of the facility balance by the facility provider. The written confirmation shall not carry a date earlier than 30 days prior to the date of EOI submission.







Single Entity

Joint Venture, Consortium or Association

All partners combined

Each partner

At least one partner

General Experience

Experience under contracts in the role of contractor or management contractor for at least the last 3 years prior to the applications submission deadline.

Must meet requirement

Must meet requirement



Specific Experience

Participation as contractor, management contractor in at least 2 contracts within the last 5 years, value of each contract must be MVR 150 million or more, that have been successfully completed and that are similar to the proposed Works. The similarity shall be based on the physical size, complexity, methods/technology or other characteristics as described inproject scope of work.

Must meet requirement

Must meet requirements for all characteristics

N / A

N / A


To assist in the examination, evaluation and comparison of EOIs, STELCO may at its discretion ask the Bidder for clarification of its EOI. The request for clarification and the response shall be in writing via email and no change in substance of the EOI shall be sought, offered or permitted.

STELCO will examine the EOI to determine whether it is complete, whether any computational errors have been made, whether the documents have been properly signed, and whether the EOI is generally in order.

Prior to the detailed evaluation, STELCO will determine the substantial responsiveness of each EOI through preliminary examination of documents submitted. A substantially responsive offer is one which conforms to all the terms and conditions of the EOI. STELCO reserves the right to waive minor deviations, if they do not affect the capability of an applicant to perform the work.

An EOI determined as not substantially responsive will be rejected by STELCO.

This EOI does not entail any commitment on the part of STELCO, either financial or otherwise. STELCO reserves the right to accept or reject any EOI without incurring any obligation to inform the affected applicant(s) of the grounds.

For additional information, clarification or any communication relating to this EOI, bidders may write to

Email: [email protected]

Deadline for clarifications: Monday, 10th July 2023 before 14:00 hrs 

Submission of Expression of Interest (EOI)

Application for Expression of Interest, accompanied by the above listed documents should be forwarded in sealed enveloped boldly marked at the top left corner;

“Expression of Interest under Contractor Finance for Construction of Proposed 14 Storey Building” and Addressed to;

Head of Procurement Department

Ref No: H/IUL/2023/163

  State Electric Company Limited

Opening Date:

All the submissions will be opened on Monday, 17th July 2023 at 14:00 PM in STELCO Head Office 2nd Floor Meeting Room

Important Notices

  • This is not an invitation to tender. Complete tendering procedure will be applied to contractors prequalified and found capable of executing the project.
  • This Invitation for an EOI does not constitute a solicitation. STELCO reserves the right to change or cancel the requirement at any time during the EOI and/or Selective Tender Process. Thus, submitting a reply to this Invitation for an EOI does not automatically guarantee that the party will be considered for the Selective Tender Process.
  • STELCO undertakes to maintain confidentiality and protect information contained in the bidding documents to be used for any other purpose other than for this Bid.
  • Bidders may attend a site discussion to ensure an understanding of the opportunity and the requirement of the EOI.
  • If applicant does not provide clarifications or documentations requested by the date and time specified, the application shall be evaluated based on the information available at the time of evaluations.
  • Only parties who meet the eligibility criteria will be invited for the tendering process
06 July 2023