SME Development Finance Corporation.
Invitation for Empanelment - Supply, Delivery, and Installation of Solar Power Pack Systems for fishing vessels

Support People's Livelihoods in the Fishery Sector in Maldives through Sustainable Energy Project


The Government of Maldives (GoM) through the support of the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) implementing the Support People's Livelihoods in the Fishery Sector in Maldives through Sustainable Energy Project to upscale up to 200 fishing vessels in the Maldives.

The objective of the project is to contribute to achieving the Policy 5: Increase profitability from fishery activities (‘Hama Agu’ Policy) of the country’s Strategic Action Plan (SAP) for 2019-2023, in particular the Strategy 5.2: Promote and facilitate access to technologies and techniques to increase profitability, improve catch quality, and reduce postharvest losses.

Through this project, interested and eligible fishing vessels will receive the required support the installation of refrigerated Solar Power Pack Systems, to adapt renewable energy solutions through the installation of Solar PV plants and to find new and more lucrative market opportunities through the enhancement of market linkages.

Component A: Enhance Finishing Infrastructure

A2: Solar PV plants: this component is about the design, supply and installation on approximately 200 vessels, solar PV plants to power the wheelhouse equipment, auxiliary lighting and other electrical uses. The technical study undertaken by the consultant shows that with the available space on the fishing vessels few kW only can be installed (between 5 to 10 kW maximum). For this kind of small size, standard solutions are provided by the vendors, only a few adaptations of the vessels are required which will be determined by the vendors in their offers during the selection process.

SME Development Financing Corporation invites reliable and experienced parties to empanel their names/ businesses to supply and install the Solar PV plants through this project implemented by the Government of Maldives through SDFC (the bank). It is solely the ‘Approved Vendors’ responsibility to make arrangements for the supply, delivery and installation of the Solar PV plants onboard the fishing vessels as per the agreed terms and conditions set forth in the Terms of Reference of this announcement.

  1. More information about the project will be provided in the attached TOR along with this announcement.
  2. Proposal submission deadline: Proposal submission for this project shall remain open until 31st December 2023 and submission can be made at any time within this deadline.
  3. The proponent may obtain further information and clarification through queries sent to the following address at any given time.

SME Development Finance Corporation Pvt ltd 

M.Kaneeru Villa 02nd Floor, 

Orchid Magu, Male’ 20212 

Republic of Maldives  

Email: [email protected] 

Tel: 3026010


18 April 2023